
Who else love it wen victor on y&r today?

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went victor was standing over adam and heather today and adams face wen he jumped up and said dad!!! that was great ,, who else was laughing???




  1. It was typical Victor Newman.

    But, I still stink everyone is being to hard on Adam.

  2. I was too..........thank goodness he didn't walk in a few minutes later or he would've caught them doing the nasty on the couch.......LOL

  3. I did the happy dance. I am tickled to death that Victor fired Adam and  told him to get off the

  4. totally loved it! the look on Adam's face was priceless!

  5. I thought it was great.  I was so happy that Victor got to see the way that Adam was disrespecting him and his house.  Victor doesn't even like Heather and for Adam to move her in is rude.  I'm glad that Victor fired him and kicked him out.  And made sure to call him Adam when he was doing it.  It was GREAT!!!

  6. This episode has got to be the best episode EVER for me,,,, Adam got knocked down a peg-or-two  ,,, and was humiliated  !!!!

    I'm so wanting him to go back to his cow milking days and get the h**l outta Genoa City !!!!

    yes,,,,,,,I did more than laugh when I saw that  !!!!!

  7. oh, it was too funny!  I loved the look on Adam's face when Victor finally gave it to him!  Adam's a chip off the old block, unlike Nick

  8. Oh, I loved it when he rehired Neil Winters as the CEO, and then called Adam into the room. Then, he fired the smarty! He deserved what he got!

  9. I loved it when he came back with no warning and caught "Adam with "Heather".. That was funny...and I loved the way "Michael" told "Victor" how "Adam" didn't care when they thought he was dead and did everything he didn't want him to do.. I can't wait when "Victor" fires "Brad".."Adam" is an "idiot" he completely lost "Victor's" respect by being so impatient, greedy and nonsympathetic...

  10. OMG that was the best! I was laughing so hard!

  11. Yes, it was funny,,

  12. OMG! I laughed so loud. I'm so glad Victor is back!

  13. Oh I agree with pixles, I can't wait until Brad gets his... I cant stand him. IT was great when Adam got fired though... but I really wanted Victoria's image of their reunion was real... I hate seeing the family like this.  

  14. Well, you would think they would at least be spooked by the possibility of his ghost looking on at least not to have hanky pank in Victor's home.

    And right in the living room?? When there is a maid in the house wandering around??

  15. I agree with sunflower - how are they going to be all intimage on the couch - with the maid still on duty ! ugh i love it - VICTOR SHOULD HAVE WAITED till they were a lil more into it - then just coughed and walked away - ahahaha when he said HE WILL NOT BE GOING BY VICTOR - hahaha he has been demoted back to ADAM WILSON

    that is what ADAM gets for being greedy - never did he shed a tear - or look real heart broken it was I AM THE NEW VICTOR NEWMAN BOW DOWN BEFORE ME  

  16. Priceless!!!...I was cheering him on out loud!!!  I was sooo happy to see that little prick Adam get what he had coming...Victor is a complicated man. In the end he is fair.  I knew when he came home Adam would be put in his place...especially after Victor found out he had the dog banned from the house!..haha...I was so happy no one was home when I was yelling at the TV earlier....

  17. I loved the scared/surprised look VICTOR ADAM NEWMAN got!  I also love it that he's done w/ Newmans!!!  

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