
Who else on here have made fun of the mentally challenged but never felt bad about it?

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Who else on here have made fun of the mentally challenged but never felt bad about it?




  1. I just made fun of one who was asking about how to cure his boredom.  Not one ounce of regret.

  2. me  

  3. well i have to admit i do... but i never do it in a way that i think is too awful. well its all awful. but i make fun of everyone, its not like im singling them out i make fun of everyone and anything about them that i can so im treating them like i treat every other person i see pretty much. yes im shallow and mean like that i need another form of entertainment lol. i feel bad about it but its addictive... so funny. but i really do think highly of mentally challenged people they can be sooo resilient. watch up syndrome parts 1 and 2 on youtube. i love this video one of my favorites.

  4. i have a mentally challenged aunt a$$hole.

  5. Well its not right to make fun of mentally challenged people in the first place, it could happen to you one day too.  

  6. thats stupid 2 ma fun of them b/c there diffrent pple should fell ashamed and if u did u could go freak urself cause ur so stupid 2 be that mean

  7. haha... i would have to say me.

  8. Me. But I never did it to their face or about a specific person though.

  9. me, unfortunately

  10. Why is this in dancing...?

  11. One time a laughed at a mentally challenged girl on Oprah for using the term "more better" in a sentence .  . . The irony was she was being praised for her unique eloquence despite her disability hahahahah

  12. i was just wondering y u wouldn't feel about it?

  13. Only when they get involved in politics.

  14. count me in

  15. I have i always laugh at them, i cant help it, i get a nervous laugh and just burst out laughing.... i laughed at the ringer aswel have you ever seen it lol.. johnny knoxville pretends to be mentally challenged its funny


  16. I made fun of myself 5 min. ago. But I have a feeling your going to ruin it for me.

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