
Who else see's the need to start storing food and ..?

by  |  earlier

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weapons to defend our homes,especially since the Dems have taken over and the economy has started tanking with the high and high(er) fuel prices ruining our lives?....I started spending 50 a week on dried type food and my ammo supply is at a peak?




  1. Im only 16 but my generation will probably see this. I've already started to plan an underground shelter, if you will. Lots of guns, lots of food.

  2. I already grow some of my own food and have a weapon.

  3. Well i must say it is the best question yet this week.I personally try to keep a fair supply on hand We are truly headed in a food shortage it is something to prepare for.I made a list of thingsto buy.I hope to at least give it a good try.Im scared of guns so dont tneed those.Im growing tomatoes this year.Maybe it will all be ok and we wont have to do anything.I have some de-hydrated foods also there great.

  4. Me & my husband were actually discussing this yesterday.  Also, cash on hand...

  5. Ok this is not too far fetched!

    Even though I disagree with blaming the democrats for your misfortune, and ruining our lives. (my life is fine) Stocking up is very smart.

    If you look at the way history pans out, after every war there is a huge econmic melt down.

    Remember Noah, every one laughed at him for preparing for disaster and who had the last laugh in the end?

    Now as for your neo-con insanity mate, lets keep that in check. I suggest reading a comprehensive book on America. "Don't Know Much About History" by Kenneth Davis will educate you on the course of history and it will show you the results of radical,fear based actions.

    (White fear of black empowerment i.e. the tarnishing of white womanhood. Leading to race riots and lynching of innocent people)

  6. everyone should have food stored and since everyone wont do it,you also need guns to keep your stuff from the people who were too stupid to put something up

  7. ABSOLUTELY, we are in the process of looking for property to start growing our own food, I don't think people have come to the realization of how bad things are going to be by this fall.

  8. i think you might be a little crazy but, for the sake of global warming, i think we should save what we have. because my sisters have gone down to new orleans, and the north ward to help with the hurricane relief & i think because of polluton we are gunna die so

    " make a kit"

  9. I hope you stay in fly over country, there is no need to push this rhetoric of panic across the country.

    Go read a book that has been published by a respected university on this subject and hasn't been approved by the Christian Coalition or the American Family Council .

  10. Uh, hello the economy has been going to h**l every since Bush took office!

  11. I think you should call the FBI and let them know what your concerns are. I know that they will be more than happy to speak with you.

  12. you need to worry more about food and water. and when i say food, i mean non perishables. the ammo thing is just weird, considering most people either want to hunt other people or for sport and not for food. also stock up on bleach, for sanitation purposes. take a survival course, dude.

  13. if you arent storing food and ammo you are going to be sorry unless you are a welfare drone that the dem gov is taking care of

  14. food,guns,ammo..oh yeah...since the dems went in,I doubled my stash

  15. haha mii dad wants to xD

  16. Oh puleeze. The only time I need to stock up on supplies is when a hurricane is coming.

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