
Who else think the Chinese don't know the rule of watching tennis?

by  |  earlier

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first of all, they keep BOEING Venus and make a lot of noise when the players play.. don't they know the rule of watching tennis.. dude.. this is not badminton.

plus, they also dont know how to do the "mexican wave".. !!

no offend that i'm a fan of the USA. ( i'm not american ).. go Usa..




  1. me. its kinda rude to keep booing and making lots of noise while they are trying to play.

  2. They are stupid?  

  3. i do also - i couldnt believe it!!!

  4. me

  5. f.u.c.k the americans! im glad they booed americans!

  6. Why do you ask this question?

  7. It's not a 'rule'.  If it were a rule, they'd be ejected.  It's more of a code of conduct.  

  8. They don't know how to cheer because the chinese don't have real sports. They only watch sports from the US. Why do you think they were wearing american jerseys when watching team usa while holding chinese flags?

  9. i didnt see tht

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