
Who else thinks Alicia Sacramone was raped in Vault Finals?

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How in the h**l did Cheng Fe win the bronze over Sacramone with a 0.8 deduction for her fall along with other deductions on the vaulting table? Fe's scores once again were inflated.




  1. this is making me sooooo angry,


    “The difficulty of the two vaults added up together was a huge difference between third and fourth place,” he said. “(Cheng’s) execution scores were as low as 8.5, which tells me that the necessary deductions were made. It might look strange at first sight, but if you look at the rules and the regulations, everything is as it should be.”

    EDIT: so in case your stupid, and  don't understand what I"m saying, I mean Cheng fei did get deducted what she needed to be deducted, but she had the high difficulty scores to make up for it.

  3. NO!  She (Fei) should have had .8 deduction for the execution--her hands were in wrong position, completely--PLUS, she should have had another .2 at LEAST for the rotation error, and then a full .8 for the fall.....the scoring was NOT consistent...NO WAY!  

  4. You American's need to stop whining.

  5. Build a bridge, get over it

    Alicia still lost even though Cheng Fei landed on her knees due to the combined difficulty in her routines (6.x for both)

    Alicia lost and should retire

  6. She got ripped of.  

  7. I agree. Total c**p. In the team finals Nastia and Shawn were also scored lower than they should have.

    Along with having little babies on their squad, China seems to be paying the judges under the table.

  8. Yes, I truly believed that Alicia Sacramone deserved a medal. After falling twice, and being publicly blamed for costing the American's gold (though mathematicians say that it was not compeletly her fault, China was amazing) Alicia got back up on her feet. I personally know what it feels like to fail your teammates, but to believe that you failed your whole country? I would want to curl up and die. But she regained her composure, and had an amazing performance. I feel terrible for her.  

  9. I think the Olympics are rigged.

  10. higher difficulty rating or not, if you cant even jump straight, flake out on the spin and also finish it off by falling flat on your face you shouldn't be getting a silver medal. its the Olympics not some meet at the local gym or whatever. Say what you want, like the Americans are moaning and groaning because we're sore losers but when it's blatantly obvious that the judges don't know what they're doing or the fact that China payed they're way through gymnastics its unfair to these women. Yet, these "women" or girls that are only 14 get to go home with a handful of golds they don't deserve. And we all know they'll be back in 2012 in London to win more medals but at least they'll be legitimately qualified then with real passports. We all know China cheated the opening ceremony with fake fireworks (THEY INVENTED THEM!! WTF??), lip syncing that put Millie Vanillie to shame, and the Han majority of "Diverse Chinese cultures" so what would stop them from pulling some strings in the gymnastic arena?

    No, I'm not "crying, or whining, or throwing a fit". I'm simply putting it out there that its no feat for a country like China to make sure they come out on top in this respective field.

  11. you and tommyboy, give it up and stop being idiotic, God d**n poor sports and sore losers.

    Sacramone screwed up in every aspect of the Olympics.  If she wanted to do better, she should have started with harder vaults and executed them better.

    Even you should be able to comprehend that.

  12. The scoring system is not as good as it once was. They need to bring back the perfect 10 system where if you nailed it, you got a score that reflected how well you did, and if you ****** up, your score reflected your ****-up. I still feel like Alicia should have taken the bronze medal, fei fell on her freaking knees and that other north korean gymnast landed outside the line twice and I don't care what the difficulty was but she definitely didn't deserve gold with her hairy *** armpit, the german gymnast should have gotten the gold instead. Judges in these olympics are just d**k ridding china, and for the the douchebags who blame Alicia for making the U.S team get silver instead of gold should just shut the **** up cause last time I checked there wasn't "I" in "Team".

  13. I totally agree with everyone. At first, I didn't get your question. Sorry

  14. nastia lost in uneven bars and score was tied so dont watch it tonight.guess who they gave it to?you guess it a chinese.but thats not why im here.

    She ends her Beijing Games disappointed yet again. Only this time, it had little to do with her.

    Sacramone finished fourth in the vault final Sunday night despite bronze medalist Cheng Fei landing the second of her two vaults on her knees. Sacramone finished .025 points behind Cheng.

  15. my  thoughts exactly I cant believe some little Chinese doll that looks like shes about 5 got a better overall score than Alicia. The Chinese government probably threatened to do same ancient voodoo **** on the judges if they didnt put a medal around her neck. They took off more for Alicia taking a "second hop" than Chung Fe almost making a face plant. Total BS what a scandal.

  16. total ripoff

  17. Her start vaulue was lower but no theres been something with these judges... but i mean... the girl that won....she steped out of bonce and fell on her knees... i dont get it... the chinese fell and still got a big score... i mean she did good.. realy good.. she was i think the only one except the 33 yo with the lil boy to not fall or step out of bounce... she was so upset.. if she didnt fall off beam in the team final i dont think they would of got second... but then again the chinese fell off beam too.. its almost like the judges dont take the little point off the chinese or any other team but they sure make sure they are added to the americans... thats what i think regardless of the start value its been that way the whole time....

  18. Because yet again, china cheats their way in.  Total BS.  

  19. I think this is bullshit, and the girl who got gold? WTF I dont give a c**p what your start value is, if you go out of bounds twice and dont stick your landing, why should you get gold over everyone else? I think that German lady should have won. And Alicia didnt fall so in my mind thats better but whatever I know the start values factor in blah blah blah. I dont get that, so as long as you try something really hard that you arent even good at, you should win? So if Alicia had done something harder and fallen on her butt then she would have gotten a higher score? UGH!!! this is making me so mad  

  20. Tommyboy, are you a complete moron?

    I agree, if you fall you suck.  If you fall you don't deserve a medal.

    So could you please tell me how the Americans won the silver when their captain fell on her *** TWICE?

    Stupid sh*t.

  21. My friend, Alicia was robbed, because the Chinese cheated like they did at the final.

    Good luck

  22. the scoring system is new still remember? this is the first time they're using this scoring system. that's why everybodies scores are screwed up. alicia sacramone should've gotten the bronze medal. she deserves it because she didn't mess up. the chinese girl had a better score than alicia because her flips were supposebly harder.

  23. raped??

    No, you need to learn how the scoring system works.

    The Chinese girl had much higher start values (both 6.5), so even with a mistake as big as a fall, she could still place ahead of Alicia who had lower start values (6.3 and 5.8).

    Cheng Fei had execution scores of 8.5.. so she was deducted plenty for her fall (0.8) plus other errors in that vault.

    The winner also had high start values and was deducted for landing out of bounds, (0.3)..

  24. No. She did a much easier routine than the Chinese which matters a lot. Chang Fei did a lot of twisting while Alicia's was very simple. Clean landing is not everything, besides Alicia's landing wasn't that clean either. You earn a lot of points if you do difficult routine.

    Commentators are so biased esp. that Bela guy coz he is the Manager of US gymnastics team.

  25. lakeplacidgirl and macarena shut up. i don't know anything about gymnastics but i thought if u fall that sucks. If the start value factors in so much then why doesn't everyone do something really difficult. From what I understand from all of you idiots is that if you fall it doesn't matter as long as your start value is high. i don't care what the scoring system says if u fall u dont deserve a medal. plus why are u sticking up for the chinese girl. Alicia Sacramone deserved a medal. This whole olympics has been a rip off. I was watching boxing early and the announcer said the judges missed at least 8 points for the american. thats just terrible. and also I dont wanna hear that the announcers are biased.THE JUDGES ARE BIASED!!!!!!!

    As you can see below me that Jasmine is a complete dumb***. I know that Alicia fell twice in the TEAM event, but her team deserved the medal. If you fall in the team event your teammates can get behind you and boost your teams score. Now if you fall in your individual event then you dont deserve a medal because you don't have any teammates to raise your score. Jasmine i believe your the stupid****!

    You can cheat way your through gymnastics, we'll just beat your chinese asses in all of the other sports.

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