
Who else thinks Barack Obama and John mcCain are the worst presidentional nominees in history?

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Who else thinks Barack Obama and John mcCain are the worst presidentional nominees in history?




  1. ANYONE is better than Bush

  2. Look back in history and think about your own question.

  3. Both are pretty POOR, BAD, yuk, but then we have to work with what we got.  The real question is, who is the lesser of the evils?

  4. No.  Where have you been for the last 8 years?  

  5. Barack Obama is the most gifted politician I have seen in my lifetime.

    John Kerry was the worst.  

  6. You're half right, Barack Obama is a disgrace. Hillary was, and is, five times the man Obama is.


    Maybe not worse than Bush, but slim pickins nonetheless.

  8. I agree on John McCain

  9. Either one of them will be 10 times better than who we have now.

  10. if you think about it...prior to any election, you probably haven't like any candidates. I known i haven't. (ever) they are all so transparent

    and fake. (politicians)

  11. it really is a joke,,wow is this what america has come to....between the woman thing and black thing it is so stupid but this is americas politics

  12. Anyone of these two gentlemen will be an improvement over the present Person occupying the White House.


  13. Hardly,  I think they are the best choices in years.

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