
Who else thinks Biden will destroy Palin in the VP debate??

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I mean really it's not fair to her.




  1. tough for mcbush hes the one who chose her

    i look forward to watching the vp debate and bidens awesomeness :D

  2. I think Biden will be given a run for his money.  She already has a history as a great debater and she isn't afraid to come out swinging.

  3. Palins gonna get freakin PWNED by Biden DOMINATED!

  4. Who did he destroy in the debates,Not one. Palin is going to chew his *** up  she is not some wimpy bimbo.

  5. Are you kidding?  Palin has the guts to take on her OWN party and remove those who break the law.  She had the guts to stay put in her job even though she was hated by basically the entire Alaskan state government.  They slander her and she still keeps on fighting.  I believe she can stand on her own in any debate, even with a PLAGERIZER like Biden.

  6. I dont like her voice,its skreechy, but whatever she says will be a better answer than bidden, im sure of it.

  7. No chance.  She has vision and she's a go-getter.  If she gets into the VP position, she's going to rip the liberal tree-huggers and radical environmentalists to shreds.  Her state is already suing the US government.  She's not old school Congress people that have been in their position decade after decade and do nothing.

  8. Have you ever heard Biden talk? 'Barack America,' '7-11,' 'clean black man.' I'm sure he will be gaffe filled during the debates as well due to his overconfidence.  

  9. ha ha ha ha ha ha , A city boy and a country girl , she is going to have him roped and branded before he utters a sentance .

  10. Biden is a blow hard with a pension for telling whoppers (like he had a 4.0 college GPA, when it was closer to 2.0) and using others words as his own. Biden is a fake who can't carry his own water. Sarah is one extremely intelligent and tough woman who kicked the c**p out of corrupt members of her own party, she took a lot of heat, then proved her case of corruption against them and came out on top. The woman has an 80% favorability rating in the state of Alaska, as Governor.

    She is sharp, she is an excellent debater, and she won't be slow to bust Biden on his BS right in his face when he pulls another whopper out of his posterior, and he will, because that's all he does in debates is blow hot air and get loud.

    For all his Senatorial experience, Bidden has not a minute of executive experience, and Sarah has done an excellent job as Mayor, and as Governor. She has more pertinent experience than not only Biden, but the fool the democrats are running for president, by far.  

    Of course most democrats won't even know when their guy is destroyed, because they really don't know the issues well, and can live on the lies their leaders feed them. They think raising taxes will get more tax revenue for hecks sake lol. They don't know that tax cuts have ended up increasing revenues every single time it's been done. Kennedy did it, but he was the last democrat who was worth a thing, and JFK would be run out of the party right now the way it exists today, which is rotten. Much like they ran out Lieberman for standing up and telling the truth about Iraq, when their Democrat party was depending on lies and sabotage of all of our national efforts including the war and squashing measures to help our economy, to enable them to point to Bush and blame him for failure, and gain power. They call that Traitorous, in the real world.

  11. not me

    she's tough

  12. Everyone. Some will try to deny it, but we know this is going to be ugly.

  13. I have, as I am sure many others have, looked her up today and I remember when she had her baby.

    I feel sorry for her.

    Hillary, when she decided to make the run for President, had already had all of her skeletons let out of the closet. When Bill was in the White House, and even after, Hillary has been scrutinized many times, so she had nothing that had not already been exposed, left to hide.

    I feel, after looking at Palin's record and the "experience" that she has had, Small town council member, small town Mayor and Governor of a sparsely populated state for less than 2 years and I am beginning to think that she is in way over her head.

    Like it or not, she is going to be scrutinized, investigated (and I am not talking about the ongoing one involving abuse of power) and put under a microscope, by everyone. Media, Obama and Biden's camp and the rest of the U.S.

    I truly feel sorry for her. I am an Obama supporter but I do hope that she knows what she has gotten herself into.  

  14. A 30+ year veteran vs a women who has never been involved in Washington politics?

    I think we can say Yes, she will be destroyed...

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