
Who else thinks Gov. Palin is SMOKIN' HOTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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She deserves to be V.P. on her looks alone...!




  1. Me.

  2. I want her as the V.P., But not because of her looks, but because of her background in finance and economics.


  3. Manly men, and womanly women alike!

  4. That's not a qualification for office.

  5. Sure, she's a cutie.  Love the frameless eye glasses.  I'll bet they become the next fashion trend.

    I would get to know her better, if I were you.  Looks aren't everything. She has a knife in her jacket.  But I guess being killed by a pretty gal is better than nuttin.'  :-)

  6. People like you remind me of how King George won again in 2004......woe is all of us....*rolling eyes and begging George Washington to forgive us lol *

  7. Somebody does because she won 2nd place in a beauty pageant.  I'm sure their are plenty of political figures across the world that can't wait to get their hand's on her.  How many do you think have seen her performance in the beauty pageant and can't wait to get up close and personal?

  8. I take it your handle was meant to be ironic? Yes I would hit it, but that in no way means I'm going to vote for McInsane just to get a MILF the VP spot.

  9. Is that why I am supposed to vote for her? I was looking for a reason.

  10. yes and she likes hockey and firearms and snow mobile racing

  11. And you can go clean her toilets and skin her Moose for her when she is in power.

    She eats men like you for BREAKFAST and then tosses you to the lions.

    Maybe it IS time for a woman to whip these wussy is what you call POETIC JUSTICE.  

    May you get what you wish!!!

    Amen Kobaker....this t**t doesn't hold a CANDLE to Hillary.

    Women everywhere are insulted by this ridiculous ploy...including the beautiful gals too....what makes you think we want a monster like this representing decent, hard-working moms????  She will set us back a 100 years!!!

    Maybe THAT is McPain's real intent...double whammy....get rid of OBAMA and F9CK over us women too.


  12. Look, any women who willingly subjects herself to the degradation and objectification of participating in a beauty contest has lowered herself to the level of a pet poodle at a dog show. I don't call that hot, I call that sad and a real bad example for all the young women and girls in America who look to our leaders as role models. In addition, she is anti-abortion which is another throwback to an era where women had no say or control over their own bodies. Finally, she is in denial of evolution, which puts her ideas and beliefs back in the stone age.

  13. Palin is an excellent candidate and a compliment to the McCain ticket but if your sole motivation for supporting her is her looks, you need to hold your opinions until you get out of middle school at least.

  14. I don't know about smokin' hot but she is going to be the best looking VP this country has ever had.

  15. well i dont think shes that hot

    but im a girl so i dont really know if  i can make that judgement

    but she does not deserve to be vp because mccain sucks.

    stupid conservatives.

  16. This is a great example of what women have to overcome in this nation.  This is why Hillary was & is such an important change figure.

  17. If you see her this way than maybe the rest of the world will too and not take her seriously. You want a VP no one takes seriously?

  18. Look, another guy infatuated by a woman's appearance.

    McCain sure knows how to push people's buttons.

  19. I think her accomplishment are hot.

    Perhaps you shouldn't vote if you think someone should have a job because of the way they look.

  20. eeeeewww.

  21. "She deserves to be V.P. on her looks alone" the sad thing is, THAT'S ALL SHE HAS GOING FOR HER!!! If Mc Cain dies... we have a President that only served 1.5 years as governor of a state that has more raindeer than people...

  22. You shouldnt pick someone as V.P. just for their looks! LMFAO! XD But I agree, she is smart, and talented, She has it all, looks and brains, lol.  

  23. Oh come on get your head out of your pants already.  We are talking about a VP, someone that may lead this country.

  24. sure if  you like those kind of people who wear too much make up and over 40 and is a botox barbie =) yep then she is sooooo s**y  

  25. I wonder if her hottness will help her out during the V. Presidential debates.

  26. She is pretty hot.

    But thank god she won't be VP!

    Obama/Biden 08!

  27. She's running for vice president not for Americas Next Top Model. If anyone vote for her ticket based on your criteria, then they should seek psychiatric help.

  28. she is hot, i ain't gonna lie.

  29. She has too many brains for you, go back to the gutter and keep looking. lol

  30. I think she is one hot, s**y female.  Sure looks a lot better than that old blond witch of the Clinton family.

  31. I don't know about her hotness but I do love that McCain picked a intelligent woman as his VP now we can have the best of both worlds in the whitehouse without having to deal with that L*****n hilary....hopefully now that he has chosen her we wont get stuck with that STUPID IGNORANT LIBERAL BARACK-TARD!!!!

    yay for mcain and palin

    boo for obama and biden...who the h**l would want biden in the white house....

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