
Who else thinks Lisa is hilarious?

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I love her (not in a g*y way) she's great! She makes me laugh so much cause she always comes out with completely crazy and random stuff. Like when they heard Nicole being booed she goes "bless her little cotton socks" and I just found that funny. The only person I have heard say that is my grandma when she was talking about a cat. There are loads of other things she says that make me laugh, I really like Lisa and seeing as the only other person I like in the house is Sara and maybe Rachel, I want Lisa to win! Who else likes Lisa??




  1. Can't stand her.For a 40 year old woman she talks some immature nonsense.

  2. she is a really funny nice woman and the only one i could put up with for a day.hope she wins

  3. Lisa is just weird... she's like some ventriloquists dummy the way she sits and stares!  I really think she's got a few screws loose, the daft things she says, and she's so serious about them - like her mate who invented dna?  How she's like jesus for being in h**l the first week?  How she is an expert of 'life'?  She's plain old barmy!

  4. Yeah she makes me laugh and is one of my faves after Sara, Rachel and Rex. Love it when she says stuff like, "my friend discovered DNA" lol

  5. I don't want her to win, but she's kinda ok.....

    Lets see how she does with the Mario thing, later on today!

    I may cry, if she says yes!

  6. She's amazing, she is so funny and doesn't even realise it

    The stories she comes out with are amazing cause they wind up the housemates so much!

    You have the same views as me on who to win lol

    I want Lisa or Sara 1st and 2nd

    And Rachel 3rd

    The rest of them are all manipulative and re doing my head in!

    Especially Mo Darnell and Rex

    Kat I like but I'm not so sure on her winning!

  7. i also love lisa, LISA TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...



  8. Finally some one who LIKES lisa!!!

    i totally agree with your paragraph above , but all i can say is ....

    LISA TO WINN!! and invite luke and bex to wedding cuz there the best!!

    LiSa rOcKs tHiS WoRlD WiTh tHe lIttLe gReeN MaN !!!

    go lisa!

    ( pickled onions )

  9. i like her too, i think she is very very funny.  she always has an expressionless face on her no matter how she is feeling.  i love watching her in the diary room, she always looks to me like she cant move cos of her fake tan drying or something. she definitely deserves to be in the final  

  10. I don't mind Lisa HOWEVER I tend to laugh at her rather than with her !!

  11. I wouldn't go as far as to say she's hilarious but she can be quite funny when she wants to be.  I like Lisa and I hope she wins because I don't like Rex or Mikey, Sarah hasn't been there as long and Kat won't win.

    Darnell probably will.

    Girls don't win big brother very often but yeah i hope Lisa wins

    Just remembered something.  Remember that day when she got Kat to sit on a chair and all the girls tried to lift her by creating energy and lifting her with one finger?

  12. i thought at first your question said hidious and i was about to agree

    we are talking about the same lisa right? she compares herself to jesus!!

    shes not funny when she tries to be, but shes funny when she comes out with S**t like that.

  13. I love Lisa too.  She is so unique and doing quite well seeing as everyone there is about half her age.  Interesting to watch too.  I hope either she or Rachel wins.

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