
Who else thinks drug testing in golf is absolutly absurd?

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How do "performance enhancing drugs" help make putts?

Hitting the ball farther doesn't matter if you can't hit it straight.

And finally why are they testing for marijuana, cocaine, and hydrocodone?

This is absolutely RIDICULOUS in my mind and has no good reason behind it.

.......and this is supposed to be a free country.

No wonder the Statue of Liberty has her back turned to us.




  1. That does seem stupid.

  2. It's not absurd, golf is a gentleman's game and the stars need to be looked up to. they need to be gentleman.  The recreational drug doesn't make to much sense.  Other than these drugs are illegal in the USA, but golfer have enough money that they can go on vacation where some of these drugs are legal.  The Statue of Liberty is turned to welcome immigrants  and newcomers to America.

  3. Obviously you never watched Happy Gilmore.

  4. You realize your rant makes you look like a drug user?  I wouldn't care less, since it doesn't affect me.

  5. I don't . . . . In fact, it was my idea . . .

  6. I have no idea how taking drugs that make you short-tempered is valuable to someone playing the most infuriating game ever created.

    Don't golfers get mad enough as it is?

    Even if they can hit the ball 5% farther, it just means that they can hit it 5% farther into the trees.

    I'd be willing to bet that not a single Golfer will test positive for performance enhancing drugs.

    As far as marijuana, I would love to see any evidence that says that high golfers are better than sober ones.  Apparently, these people think not giving a **** is going to make you play better.  OK...

    To all the people who say that Marijuana should be on the list because it is illegal:

    Marijuana is not illegal everywhere, and you could test positive for it without ever having broken the law.  That is different than drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, and meth.  But unlike marijuana, most of the other banned drugs are controlled substances EVERYWHERE on Earth.

    So to the asker, I agree with you about marijuana, but not about cocaine, because it is illegal everywhere.  

    As far as hydrocodone, if it is prescribed by a doctor, then using it is to make one equal to others, and not better.  That would mean that you could be suffering from all sorts of ailments, and be punished for it.  

    I think that players should not be punished for taking drugs they have legally been prescribed.

  7. i AGREE. tOTALLY I THINK THAT GOLF IS A GENTLEMANS GAME WITH NO PLACE FOR STEROIDS. bUT IF THEY WERE LEGAL AND SAFE, ID TAKE EM TOO. I know i aint gonna quit smokin pot on the course, or drinking beer. So what difference does it make if you hit it twenty yards farther. I want to make putts, and thats all that matters. Even a 90 year old woman can make a 90 foot downhill putt. Ah putting. the great equalizer.

  8. Steroid Myth Number One: They Dont Just Make You Big There Are Some Such As Winstol Which Effect The Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers, IE Horses, Ben Johnson. I Do Agree With You, What Has Happened Is Our National Past Time Major League Baseball Finally Acted On Its Steroid Issue. Look At The NFL In The 70s. You Can Be On Them And Its Not Appearance Wise, Noticable. Though You Will Be Stronger Faster And Have Far More Stamina In The Gym. The Mental Side Is An OverLokked Plus When You Think Youre Invincible Sometimes You Make Yourself Believe It Enough. I Hope This Helped You, Im Ramblin Im Out. Drug Testing Golf, g*y No Need For It. They Just Dont Want Egg On Their Face Like MLB.

  9. Somebodies got to keep the p**p stirred

  10. i know hes not on the pga but check zuback - he is huge!

  11. lol i don't know. Personally I can understand other drugs that are bad, but I dont know why cops and such have to hunt down everyone who uses drugs. Especially marijuana I don't see why that one is a big deal.

  12. Golf is absurd, period.

  13. it's not a free country! you have to follow the law and rules of the companies that you patron or that patronize you.

  14. because those drugs ARE illegal, and now a days you never know whose using them. I don't think its absurd

  15. huuu, TOUCHE about the statue of liberty, that was fugged up, pal.

    Anyway, back to the drugtesting in golf, I totally agree with you! They shouldn't test!

  16. Its a sport! Why wouldn't they have to test?? I mean come on, they are playing for thousands of dollars. If you want the truth, they should ban smoking on the golf course too!! Yeh thats right, cigarettes are a stimulant, so couldn't that effect performances too? You are ridiculous if you think drug testing is unnecessary. Its called: illegal.

  17. Are you saying Tiger Woods is on steroids or taking cocaine? by the way, being a free country doesn't mean being able to do what ever the h**l you want to do.

  18. I think that for the guy on tour who can't catch up to the big guys as far as length goes, it's not impossible for them to take some sort of enhancers, but that would be one in 300 or however many guys are out there playing. But I do think that marijuana and cocaine testing are completely unnecessary and a bit insulting to the golf world.

  19. By juicing in baseball doesn't mean that you can actually hit a pitch either.  It just means that you hit it farther.  The same arguement can be made for golf.  If someone already knows how to hit a ball straight why wouldn't they want to hit it farther?  Its true there isn't as big of a benefit of hitting a long ball but it is still a slight advantage and should be regulated against.  

    I mean would you really want to see a juiced up highschool golfer hitting the ball 400 yards off the tee?  Think of the kids because they look up to the current athletes as role models and I think that is the biggest part of why it should be regulated.

  20. I personally dont think that anyone is using drugs on the PGA Tour.  Some might on other world tours, but not the US Tour.  Golf is a game of honor and golfers are honorable people.  And as you said, length means nothing if u cant hit it straight or make your 5 footers.  And it is bad that they are testing golfers for drugs, cause i can tell you that none are using them illegally.

  21. i know, its like testing snowboaders for pot....1/2 pipe DOES MEAN SOMETHING.. lol  but yeah completely rediculious. you cant enhance your performance in golf unless its aim and leg strength.. do a couple squats and be gone already :P

  22. the testing should  be done on the balls and clubs

  23. I only support drug testing for professions that could have a negative impact on me: pilots, doctors, bus drivers, etc.  Golfers, no - that's stupid!

  24. Yes you're right golf is absolutely absurd.....

  25. Performance enhancing drugs dont' help you make putts, they do however help you hit a ball further. Hitting the ball further allows you to be closer to the hole, and could make putts earier.

    As far as cocaine,weed,and hydrocodone the first 2 are illegal. Why shouldn't you be tested for this Golf doesn't want a incident similar to the Monica Seles situation. They need to protect the integrity of the game.

  26. If it's RIDICULOUS why can't the top 10 of every tounament pee in the cup. Check out all the other sports that are finding out that everything isn't so clean. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  27. I always thought that you were supposed to play golf when you're hammered.

  28. There are so many so called sports fans who feel that everyone should be tested for " performance enhancing drugs" now that baseball's premier athletes have been brought up to testify. And with Marion Jones' admission to their use, the world of sports in general is now suspect. So the Commissioner says that all golfers will be tested. That's good because if many of the pros objected our UNBIASED MEDIA would be on them like a blanket.

  29. Yeah, that's silly.

  30. you do need some type of upper body strength to hit golf ball really far. but overall it is stupid to check for drug testing but isntead they should look at the golf ball for some type of chip that makes the ball go further

  31. Performance enhancing drugs may not help you make putts, but they will help your body recover from fatigue faster. That could give a player an advantage on the second and third day of a tournament. They are also testing for other drugs, in part, to keep golf's image clean. The PGA Tour does not want to be associated with drug addicts. And, just because it's a "free" country doesn't mean we can do whatever we want. Marijuana and cocaine are illegal. Many places of employment test for these drugs, so why should athletes (golfers in this case) be excused?

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