
Who else thinks its fun?

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Who else thinks it feels great after you've been sunburnt to peel and stratch off the skin from your own back.

Oh and another one that feels great is when you have a wobbly tooth you can fiddle around with it and it feels oh so good who else likes doing these are something like it?




  1. ME ME ME !!

  2. I like chewing toenails

  3. yes love skin peeling and cutting toe nails

  4. i'm a huge skin peeler.  I like to see how big i can get the sheet of skin.    i havent had a loose tooth in a long time, but i do remember fiddling with it allllll the time.

  5. I love peeling skin!! I dont tan or burn very well, but my boyfriend does!! Love it!! I dont like wobbly teeth much, still got 6 baby teeth tho!!

    I love squidging raw chicken!! lol Sounds dodgy but its fab!!

    Or the 1st few second of wearing socks in the bath!! haha x

  6. I love peeling skin, picking my nose, picking scabs, getting wax out my ears with cotton buds, bursting spots and picking hard skin off my heals. So does everyone else and if they say they dont then their lying!

  7. I dont like picking peeling skin but i like messing with wobbly teeth. I prefer picking scabs though, so much more satisfying. Trouble is, when I haven't got any to pick other people think it's wierd if i want to pick theirs.

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