
Who else thinks its stupid when someone says 'no offense'?

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I've never once heard a positive thing said that was followed by 'no offense'




  1. Yea...usually its a bit rude afterwards...or bordeline not funny.

  2. A lot of people take offence when facts are stated, as if a lie or insult were being directed personally at them.  Since people do not come into the world with a label on their forehead declaring their amount of intelligence, "no offence" is some folks way of avoiding arguments over facts that do not change.

  3. It's in the same category as someone saying something terrible, then laughing and trying to back peddle by saying "Just kidding!"

    Many truths are said in jest!

  4. lol my hands up i agree with u

  5. yes i agree with you lol

  6. I think it's stupid to use the adjective 'stupid' to describe a behavior that is in actuality rude, snarky, pimpy, or demeaning.

    No offense...

  7. haha no its saved me alot of times haha "no offense" same with "no homo" my two favorite phrases in the world

  8. no offense, but that's a dumb quesiton, and you're a bad person for asking it.

  9. Its not stupid but sometimes is the only way to prepare someone for what  you are about to say.

    If I am in a conversation with someone and about to say something they might find offensive I say no offense or please dont take this personally. I have found that it prepares them verses me just saying something that might offend them.

    Like I have a good friend who got remarried about a year ago. His wife is always like you need to bring your wife and kids over.  He had 2 dogs and his new wife had 3 and they have picked up 2 more so they now have a combined total of 7 dogs (they picked up 2 more after getting married) plus 2 cats. All are kept inside the house, my buddy already knows how my wife is about animals and I had to explain to her and I said please dont take offense but my wife is not into animals and my daughter is uncomfortable around that many dogs. I dont think it fair to you or your animals that if we come over to ask that you put your animals out. Now if I had of just said it she might have taken more offense then she did.

  10. Yeah, I think it's dumb...

    if no offense was meant, a person wouldn't have to say "no offense." ..that's like.."Oh, wait, you're offended by my incredibly rude comment? OH, well, because you're offended, no offense was meant... but otherwise, I don't give a..."

  11. i hate it.

  12. it's true, like when someone says, "no offense, but...." you instantly know that something negative is heading your way...

  13. Yeah. My friends do it all the time.

    Your butt's shaped like a turkey, oh no offense though.


    Maddox had an opinion about "no offense". Pay no attention to what he says about "may or may not" - he's incorrect there.

  15. i say no offense because i dont want to offend the person, but the thing i might say after it might possibly offend them, and i dont want them to think that that was my goal

    when people sincerely say' no offense ' to me, i dont take offense to it because i know that was not their goal

  16. If they do not mean (no offense) they why are the words after that so offensive ? ! So yes I agree with you 100% !

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