
Who else thinks "HD Radio" is a gimmick?

by  |  earlier

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C'mon now! I think the radio industry is trying to capitalize on the popular HDTV market by offering a gimmick of their own called "HD Radio" (rolls eyes). Has anyone ever used this so called product? Whatever it is, it can't be that big a difference from regular radio as compared to HDTV ro standard tv.




  1. HDTV is a joke already.....

    What I mean?

    On HDTV, you have a choice of running a HD program and another channel or 4 channels of standard definition programming.... Let's see... stations make money on people watching TV programs on these channels.... Let's HD only at night and sporting events when people will want to see higher quality pictures.....Standard definition the rest of the time.

    Radio wanted the same deal...maximize profits and the possibility of trying to fit more stations in a crowded airspace (however TV was forced digital to give spectrum up for Police  and fire... radio can't expand unless TV is out of here and that will be years away anyway)

    HD radio is using digital to bring a better quality product to the listener (basically CD quality is said) and with technology and internet streaming having a better quality than some stations, they had to do something.

    But IMO,  radio had to compare to Sat radio in offering a better quality sounding product , hince we got HD radio... most of the NPR and public radio affiliates are running just the HD radio stream to bring quality to it's members... Commercial radio has the second streams already planned out.... only problem is most of what's proposed sucks.... no imagination when they need something to take customers away from sat's a shame

  2. HD radio technology is not a gimmick.  The use of the phrase 'HD' is to capitalize on it's familiarity with a public who generally takes a long time to grasp new concepts.

    HD radio is the conversion of the analog signal to digital.  Since most people would assume 'digital' means the radio display, not the actual signal, it is easier to associate this technology without re-explaining.

    HD radio is a big difference.  Imagine AM radio sounding a crisp and clear as FM is today.  Plus, no more static on FM signals (you do realize there is white noise on any analog frequency) which makes the signal crystal clear.

    Add that with different formats on the same frequency (up to two per current signal) and two additional channels once the current analog signal is silenced, it is the biggest revolution since the invention of FM.

  3. HDTV is a hoax also, and i'd rather not see every wrinkle, zit, and age spot on the news anchors, thank you. PLus, to get HD TV, you have to get the HD enhanced TV, the special cable plan, its all a pyramid scheme.

    HD radio is similar, as the "inbetween" stations are usually c**p, or in Arizona, in spanish.  Supposedly it's supposed to be the invention to save AM radio, but i just dont see a big difference, nothing a little aluminum foil on the ole antenna couldnt compare to.

  4. I can't hear a difference between like 128 kbps and 256 kbps audio when I rip it from CDs. And I'm a 15 year old kid, I have good hearing. I don't believe in High Definition sound-- we've already made sound, when it comes to clarity, as best as we can probably get it. However, video's got pixels... a dot for dot arrangement. There's a big difference between the two... totally agreed!

  5. HD radio is actually supposed to take off and be the next big thing. Ive heard it and the clarity is magnificent. Also you get stations between the stations. Meaning more job opportunites and more stuff to listen to. I haven't got one yet but plan to soon. For now I play around with my coworkers HDradio which is great. I see a big future for it. HDTv took a while to catch on so radio is following the footsteps. But remember radio is copycatting tv because orignially radio was here before tv and tv copied radio. They pulled radio shows and made those into tv shows. HD was something they tested out and it became popular so they are testing it in radio. Its just the calm before the breeze really

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