
Who else thinks "P Diddy" is a rich and arrogant moron?

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Just got done reading that he vows never to ride his private jet until gas prices go down. Awwwwww. So sad, but sorry to say P Diddy, you will never be riding it again if that is the case. He is worth about 346million. It said a round-trip would cost 200,000-250,000 that he makes twice a month average. If you do the math, it comes out to 6 million a year, which is still only a mere 1.7% of his worth. I'm sure I spend nearly 2k a year on gas, which is far greater than 1.7% of my worth.

Isn't it disgusting to see someone complaining about riding a commercial first class flight because they "can't afford"(willingness to pay top dollar for gas) gas holding nearly 350mil? Get a life P Diddy. There are billions of people in this world that literally go day to day, their only mission is to put food on the table for their family, and here you are complaining about the gas putting a small dent in your fortune.




  1. He has far too much money, no class and no talent.

  2. excuse me? either you're racist, or your'e your just jelous of how he's making millions as we speak, while youre  sitting around in that doghouse you call a home.

  3. I would love to have his 'money' problems.  It shows that he doesn't not care about the poor families without gas money for their CARS that they need to get to and from work.  Some families have to choose between fueling their cars so they can get to work vs. feeding their families.  Why doesn't he donate some money to families to help them pay for gas and food instead of complaining about the high cost of jet fuel.  

  4. YEAH! he's arrogent. Very. Like he looks down on people. wait, HE DOES already look down on people...

  5. Ha, he's flaunting that he has a private jet. Even if he doesn't ride his pathetic private jet, he still has all of those cars sitting in front of his house, which I doubt are even his. Like every other celebrity show-off, it's probably just for display. Maybe that jet is too.

  6. he is defiently arrogant!

  7. I agree, he is an idiot.

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