
Who else thinks that Bruno Sammartino & the WWE need to just bury the hatchet ?

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I already understand why Bruno hates Vince, however try to look at from a objective POV. He does not like the whole "sports entertainment" factor vs his glory days of the industry. At the same time it could be argued that "sports entertainment" is just the next natural course of evolution of the wrestling industry. Its like somebody getting mad at the auto industry in part due to the way cars are built these days. I think Bruno needs to take his long overdue place in the HOF. Its not like Bruno is Bret Hart and was screwed over by Vince, he just had a different vision of what the wrestling industry should be.

Good example is Harley Race, he seems to be fine with the current product.

\Your thoughts?




  1. Bruno is right, he doesn't need to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. He's in a real hall of fame, the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame.

  2. i think they should, Bruno is a legend and he deserves to be in the HOF but his stubbornes is keeping him out of it, i say just let it go your glory days are over

  3. I agree, but at the same time I respect where Bruno is coming from. Yes, though, it is a shame that he will not accept induction to their HOF, and that he is rarely known to todays younger fans.

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