
Who else thinks that MOST little kids are annoying. I have only met a few little kids that were not annoying?

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Who else thinks that MOST little kids are annoying. I have only met a few little kids that were not annoying?




  1. I've met two types of kids:

    Cute kids and evil kids.;...

  2. I hate kids

    they can do cute things sometimes..but 90% of the time they are annoying

    and babies are NOT cute! kittens and puppies are cute, not fat little people

  3. I agree soo much!

    I severly dislike kids, only some are actually cute and innocent. I actually have a list of reasons why I don't like kids.

  4. i LOVE little kids. they're usually really innocent & cute.

    Some of them are out of control and annoying, but most of the time they're just adorable.

  5. i like most little kids. i think i'm just one of those people who will always have a little 4 year old inside of me ready to come out and play. i am constantly around littler kids because of my family, but it's lots of fun!

  6. i think teens are more annoying because little kids are just trying to figure things out and teens already know but still do and say annoying and dumb things

  7. Unless you have a really good connection with a little kid (or they are just in that prime age of about 12-18 months where they are really cute), little kids are kind of annoying.  I babysit a lot, and I've been babysitting for a couple of the same families since their kids were less than a year old, and they aren't annoying to me (they're 2, 6, and 8).  And my cousins (who are 5 and 7) haven't annoyed me at all.  I just have a really good bond with them, so either I can overlook their annoyingness or they're just really good kids.

  8. I love kids! They r sooo much fun. U just gotta appeal to their better nature = ]

  9. i think basically all kids are annoying but i guess it depends on the way that they were raised

  10. i love kids. I admit, some of them can be so....UGH. But not all of them.

    Besides, I bet you weren't miss luverly when you were little either.

  11. i totally agree with you.

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