
Who else thinks that McCain might as well have picked Miley Cyrus as his VP?

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As a matter of fact, I have. What's your point?




  1. HAHAHAHAH i would pick a 2 year old before i pick miley!!!!!!

  2. The Dems chose Urkel to run for  president.

  3. I disagree.  I think Condi Rice or Christine Todd Whittman would have been a much better selection than either Palin or Cyrus.

  4. She was busy helping Brit tear down Obamas stadium props , rumor has it you wanted them for your bedroom ?

  5. She was never a swimsuit model, so she doesn't fit McCains criteria.

  6. Well sir maybe you didn't realize she has the same experience as Obama when he first started his campaign Obama had only two years of senate experience. She has only two years of executive experience as being the governor of Alaska.

  7. from the begining ive said god could part the clouds and point his finger at j - mac and he still  will lose . go nader .

  8. I'll rather vote for Miley Cyrus than Obama.

  9. actually Miley is owned by Disney  like Obama she would be a democrat

  10. I think the Democraps would have done a better job picking Miley Cyrus as their presidential nominee.  

  11. LOL that was funny....

  12. Have you examined anything about Palin, other than the junk around here?  For one thing, she isn't 15.

  13. McCain is desperate.

    He has lost and he knows it, anything to try and get some women voters, to sway them from Hillary to this weird woman from alaska.

    Yep, he messed up.


  14. Obama should have picked King Kong but even he can't help him now, Obama is finished and dems are shown to be sexist.

  15. No way, she's not tough on crime.

  16. Well why did the candidate of change pick a washington insider?

  17. LOL

  18. At least Miley has some name recognition but since she is only 16, she doesn't meet the age requirements.

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