
Who else thinks that Ron Paul should be President?

by  |  earlier

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And why or why not? If you aren't a true follower of the Presidential process do not answer. That means just listening to the media, forums, & tv show hosts.




  1. only you.

  2. there is a house near me with a billboard size poster that says RON PAUL on it.  Its a tiny house so it takes over the whole thing. lol.

  3. Anyone who wants to live in a what america is suppose to be, a free nation, should've been voting for Ron Paul. I'm a democrat, I would've voted for Paul in a heartbeat. Freedom of the individual comes first, not businesses, gov't departments and employees, and the gov't shouldn't be telling us how to live.

    If you really want to live what America is according the the constitution without gov't pandering to stock market investors, corporations, and without them trying to seize more control than the constitution would allow the gov't to have, Ron Paul is the only choice.

    I guess we'll have to settle for Obama though. At least he's better than McCain.

  4. I do.

    He understands what is happening to the economy, in fact he was predicting this would happen.  He knows that to fix it will take more than charging a bandaid to international credit card debt to repay later, with interest.

    He works and for 20 years in office has worked for the individual Americian citizen rather than for speicial interests, corporate or collectivist.  He is a strict Constitutionalist and is absolutely predictable.

  5. Sigh.  For months we have been hearing about Paul, Biden, Gravel, Nader, Clinton, etc,etc,ad nauseum.  It's over.  Time to let it go.

  6. I do.  I believe in a non interventionist foreign policy and abolishing the Income Tax.  He makes some good points against abortion but I'm still pro-choice.  He's the only candidate who supports change.  Join the Ron Paul Revolution

  7. Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he has excellent points of view, isn't an idiot and doesn't cause racial or sexist controversy, plus he isn't an old/ ancient man. The only thing is he doesn't back up what he says, ya know? He doesn't say HOW he is going to do something.

    Mindabov... is absolutley right. I agree completley with everything he said. You should vote what he said best answer.

  8. h**l ya we need to legalize it

  9. no1 duz

  10. Ron Paul speaks the TRUTH and that is not politically correct . With out a voter revolt at the party convention he will not have a chance .

  11. I do, absolutely!

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