
Who else thinks that Sarah Palin is a JOKE?

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No seriously, I set everything aside and listen to her as if she was the President already... she didn't seem presidential to me at all. To me, she didn't display herself as someone who can defend our country. You can't defeat terrorism by citing what McCain did as a POW ... because if they make it to the white house... McCain won't be there (if he dies). She doesn't seem like she can hold her own. What do you guys think? & No. I'm not jealous, scared, or mad about Palin.. it's not about that. So, don't insult me. It's just a question.

Can Sarah Palin hold her own? Without McCain. Can she do it on her own?




  1. You ask after that great speach tonight If she can hold her own...haha YES I know she can hold her own! I also find It very sad that the same thing a lot of Obama people rant about Is how old McCain Is...really do you people speak to your parents or grandparents that way?

  2. So far it looks good to me.

    When she debates we will really know.

  3. Personally I think u should have been on that stage u r 100% right.

  4. The fact is this:

    A man with her EXACT credentials would NEVER have been chosen. EVER.

    She's more qualified than Mitt Romney? Really? Honest to God? She is?


  5. That's a great question, and the even scarier part of that question is that were McCain to win the presidency we just might be faced with that exact situation.  I understand McCain wanted to shake things up with his VP selection, but was it a well thought out decision.  I think no.  She may be a good person and a good role model but her experience level (or lack there of it), leaves her unfit to be the vice president.  I hear the argument all the time that Obama lacks experience,and therefore what can be the difference between him and Palin.  Well there is a very significant difference.  For starters Palin is the governor of Alaska, and last time I checked that is one of the smallest states population wise in the entire United States.  How prepared can she possibly be to deal with the responsibilities of running an entire nation if it came to that?  Alaska is a very isolated state that not many Americans are in tune with-which doesn't make it bad, but cannot honestly give you the national or worldwide scope needed to be prepared to be number 2 in the entire United States.  Palin may not be touched by the party politics of old, but wouldn't it be better if she had and still knew her way around them.  The only way to even make her sound like a good choice is for the Republican party to work with its old gimmicks, and try to re-route the argument in a completely different direction and take the heat off of her lack of experience.  

  6. Sarah Palin has taken a position to make herself a complete joke. She is not ready for presidential status; she does not have enough experience. This country has enough chaos, can't we just have a strong candidate who isn't going to be tabloid material? Yes, I understand that any little thing these people do will be scrutinized, but now is not the time for our country to s***w around. (Sorry, I just feel the same frustration I think I sense you're feeling too and wanted to vent without being ridiculed or questioned!!)

  7. She just now handled it, Obama hasnt got a PRAYER now..

  8. Me.........

  9. She represents all women.  If a woman doesn't vote for her and support her, then she will be undermining the female gender, and sending the role of women back 50 years.

  10. She's not running for president, she's running as VP. Unlike Obama, who actually is running for president, who is going to cite the experience of his VP to make him appear more qualified. At least Sarah will gain some experience while being VP, unlike Obama who is just going to jump into the position of being president of the US & the most powerful leader in the world.

  11. ME!

    Obama/Biden '08!<3


  13. Well I'm not going to out right say who I'm voting for, but it isn't McCain/Palin.

    First of all even with her political credentials she is still a political play, a diversion for Hillary Clinton supporters to follow that direction.

    Second of all she is running as Vice President so she can spew all the McCain propaganda she wants.  Her job will be to sit in the House of Representatives and the Senate to break any ties between bills on the floor.

    Lastly, even if McCain died in office her experience level wouldn't matter no one other than the former presidents have the Presidential "experience" that everyone is so concerned about.  And they CAN'T run again, unless they only served one term.

    Vote for who you think is right to represent us as a nation.  

    As a side note the "shadow" government, or really the advisers that McCain would pick would be her advisers too, so she would receive the same "intelligence" he would receive, to make her decisions.

  14. She had 17 speech writers, I don't think she can hold her own.

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