
Who else thinks that mcfadden is underrated?

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i think people underrate both mcfadden and micheal bush their both beasts and everyone seems to think they arent just because their on the raiders. Thoughts?




  1. They'll put up good numbers because they're on the Raiders. The Raiders zone blocking offense can make any above average runningback very successful. That O-line can run-block very well, they were 6th in rushing last season.

  2. They aren't underrated just hated by Raider Haters. Both are excellent players and will help bring the Raiders back to a playoff team.

  3. They are tanks man don't worry. All the haters will learn there lesson wen they run over there teams.  

  4. Me i like the kid

  5. I DO! I DO!! Oh, you said UNDERrated! Sorry.

  6. HUH? alot of people are picking him for ROTY how can that be underrated

  7. 2nd place in the Heisman voting 2 years in a row.   An early first round draft pick.   I dont' see how that can be unnderrated in any way.   The man has lots of talent, and will have a good chance to show it this year.  btw, don't forget, he can throw the ball too.    Gives an interesting dimension in that aspect, if the recievers can catch.   Actually, I think the most underrated rookie in the NFL this year will be Jacob hester, for San Diego, from LSU.   He will make an excellent blocking and short yardage back for the chargers, and can do some long yardage damage too on occasion.    

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