
Who else thinks that "Tornado Season" this year in the USA is gonna be very devastating?

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I love tornadoes but you will not catch me outside during a twister warning, I'll be in the basement's basement thank you very much-LOL!




  1. Each and every year is a devastating year for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.   Remember severe storms generate tornadoes and even if they don't they can still be deadly.  Hail, high winds and torrential downpours with associated flooding are major problems.

  2. Already been pretty devastating, and it isn't even "Tornado Season" yet. In my area (SC, GA) we've had a lot of tornadoes touch down so far this year.

  3. Being an active chaser its been boring.  I only chase around my area but still its been boring.  Severe weather season has been very slow.  Today and tomorrow look like good days for severe weather but over all its been slow and it will prob stay like this.  Sure there were above average tornado reports from Jan-Feb but since then it has slowed down.  And you will find me anywhere but a basement for a tornado warning.

  4. So far we're way above average. May and June are just arriving, so we shan't have to wait too far to see if it is.

    Interesting note - Super Tuesday really was historic; there were about that many EF-4 + tornadoes last year total.

    Also, there's a small outbreak every week, the current one happening as I answer this question (and it seems to be rather impressive as of yet).

    Edit: The Virginia outbreak wasn't even close to the largest outbreak since Super Tuesday. Do your homework.

  5. No this year's severe weather season will be not so active because of La Nina.

  6. Mack,

    I think you better retake your meteorology classes or actually learn something about the weather.  For a meteorology student you really don't know much about weather.

    Tornado season has been above active thus far, however, that number is being skewed.  Since the Super Tuesday Outbreak in February things have been very quiet with the exception of a few minor events and the localized tornado outbreak in VA a few days back.  April was a very quiet month.  There was some major potential at the beginning of the month (week of April 10th) but the models totally overdid that event, mostly b/c they overdid moisture return.  

    Today and tomorrow look fairly juicy but nothing in terms of a major tornado outbreak.  

    The pattern doesn't look really favorable for anything major for at least the next week either.  

    Now Mack, La Nina's actually tend to favor INCREASED SEVERE WEATHER ACTIVITY across the Northeast, especially the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and Great Lakes region.  This is due to the fact that the Sub-tropical jet is displaced further North than usual which allows for a greater warm sector and much better moisture return further North.  However, we have yet to see that.

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