
Who else thinks that sarah palin is a horrifying idea?

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i am seriously scared now...please don't let these creatures run our country....




  1. Knowing that we have such mindless ******* idiots as you running around raises more alarms in my opinion.  

  2. You're not the only one.  Republicans say they are for less government, but that only means they are for less government when it is something they don't want.  

    They want to regulate your body, who you marry, and your morals, though.  

  3. I did not mind McCain initially. As far as Republicans go, I thought he had rather reasonable views about things. I just hope he doesn't let Palin have too much responsibility.  

  4. Just vote in November if you're worried. But I'll be voting for McCain/Palin.

  5. Really i hope Obama wins but at this point anyone would be better than Bush.

  6. I agree.  Bush has flushed our country almost completely down the toilet, putting those two yahoos in office might completely do us in.  How long did it take Rome to fall?

  7. what Boo said.

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