
Who else thinks that team USA will lose against Spain?

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I think the Spaniards will be hitting a high field goal percentage, Gasol will play like a beast because everytime he plays for Spain he's possessed. I think Calderon will eat up Paul or whoever USA guard will be, Kobe will be able to shut his man down but it won't be much of a factor. I also think it'll be team USA only loss as I see them taking the gold in the end.




  1. No one os going to light up Chris Paul.  He's the best point on the planet hands down.  Calderon is nice and he may make Kidd look old and slow, but CP never.  USA wins by 15.

  2. nope USA will win it

  3. I do respect your opinion but I think the USA will win this game. As much as you say Gasol is “possessed”, the Americans are determined to avenge the past embarrassments. USA will win by 15 against Spain

  4. Spain will lose to team U.S.A.

    Dwight Howard is a strong guy to contain Pau Gasol.

    U.S.A. has the elements to shut down Spain.

    It will be a close game, BUT in the end The Redeem Team wins.

    SCORE: 98-89 U.S.A

  5. maybe pau, mark, ricky, rudy, calderon, navarro, reyes, mumbru, garbajosa, raul lopez.........

    but They only know  pau

  6. USA will win it.

  7. USA will kill those lames

  8. Clearly,you know nothing about Team USA.

    Dude,do you know who Jose Calderon is?He's not even top 10,why would you say he'll eat Chris Paul,the best point guard in the world now?

    It won't be a blowout,but I still see a double-digit win.

    Dwight Howard can own the post,Pau will be a match for him,but no way Pau can dominate him.

    I'm not saying Spain is weak,but I don't think they'll win.

  9. No.  After Kidd bashing them over the picture thing, they will back it up.  

  10. Please...everyone thought Greece would give them a problem too and they streamrolled 'em. They are gonna thrash some Spaniards.

    Edit: Now what do you have to say? 119-82...that's all I gotta say to you haters.

  11. yeah I think this will be the United States toughest game so far...I wouldn't doubt if they do lose.

  12. USA!, thats what they said about greece and look what happen. plus, we havea better frontline with howard and Bosh, caz i think we will play big. Howard  will manhandle Gasol soft body. plus i wish garnett came and manhandle gasol again .like he did in the finals. Cadleron is still developing

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