
Who else thinks that the number of people who believe in AGW is sad?

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Anthropogenic Global Warming




  1. Maybe they're just afraid to be called "deniers" - that must be it since that's all the AGW proponents have.

  2. what is AGW??

  3. It IS sad, but not surprising...the answers to this question speak for themselves.  I blame socialized education.  If today's teachers in the US were tested, the majority would fail a standard GED competency test.

    Edit:  gcnp58 has successfully passed the English portion of the GED....obviously not a public educator.

  4. I do; I find it sad that so few people believe in AGW when it is obviously real.  ALL major scientific organizations (NAS, AAAS, NASA...) say it is real, yet (at least in Yahoo Answers) so many people deny it, like they think they know better than scientists.

  5. me

  6. It definitely shows how gullible even those who claim to be educated is sad, to bad that those of us who are able to think for themselves see the silliness and idiocy of AGW belief, however, it is after all a religion, it has to be accepted based upon faith, not reality...

  7. Anthropomorphizing integers has to stop.  A number can't be happy or sad (although it can be rational or irrational).  

    If concepts could take on human emotions, objective analysis is probably so depressed right now that a Prozac the size of the Moon wouldn't begin to cheer it up.  But I don't go around anthropomorphizing concepts, numbers, or inanimate objects, let alone try to prescribe psychotropic medication for them, so you didn't hear me say that.

  8. The number of people who have recognized that humans have influenced  the climate of this planet is growing.  It's sad that this site is so far behind the curve, and that some people here seem to take great pride in being wrong and out of touch, and in misinforming others.

    Accepting the overwhelming body of evidence as presented by climate scientists and others in related fields may be a hard pill to swallow, but it's a pill that's going down whether some want it to or not.  What's sad is that anyone has to have bad news forced down their throats.  Better to stand up straight and take what comes, and to do something about what is happening without being pious and boastful.

  9. Well my grandfather once pointed out to me that there are two basic types of human minds and they are generally wired that way from birth because of inherited genes. The two mind types are first the most common comprising some 60% of humanity the inductive mind. This mind is not very capable of learning in general and usually tends to menial jobs at the lower intelligent level and bureaucratic type jobs at the upper levels. Not very inventive and tends to react violently to any who challenge their faith in heart felt beliefs.

    On the other hand there are the deductive minds that fill out the spectrum and have been responsible for the majority of the worlds innovation. They are mechanics, machinists and artists at the lower levels and engineers, explorers and scientists at the upper. They are the dreamers looking to make things better and fighting against the inductive minds to maintain every single advance in the technology of civilization. So in final answer it is very obvious that at least 60% of the people are pre wired mentally to believe in the concept of AGW where on the other hand very few if any of the other 40% will ever be able to believe in it.

    The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.


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