
Who else thinks that this video of the person one heart beat away from being the President is frightening.?

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  1. This is an amazing comparison from Obama supporter, lol.

    I am an Atheist, but I prefer what she did over spewing hatred about the 'white devil' and 'God dam* America' and simulating s*x at the pulpit while screaming about 'riding dirty' like the church Obama has been attending for 20 years.  I see someone like that being president as frightening.

  2. very frightening

    we need reason and not rhetoric

  3. Not really. I prefer someone who has faith that there is something bigger out there than them.

    Obama thinks he is the messiah and he is the biggest thing in the world.

  4. Just a head's up:  Palin has more political experience that Obama.  So, no, Palin does not frightening me.  

  5. Well, she makes it more likely that the Republican ticket HAS a heartbeat.

  6. You lose again, Mikey. Go back to playing in traffic.

  7. You do realize she's going for VICE president right?  Everybody seems to forget that lately.

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