
Who else thinks that this years Best game award for G-Phoria was messed up

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Halo won the best game award that was messed up i think MGS4, COD4, Mass Effect, or Bioshock should have won that the only special thing about Halo is their online play everything else suks about Halo


Niko from GTA4 should have not won best new character that was also messed up Andrew Ryan the enemy from Bioshock should have won that award

other then those awards the other catagories were ok

its all here




  1. that's just your opinion though ,although i do agree the character and game awards where badly placed

  2. Halo 3 doesnt even compare to games like mgs4 and cod4.

  3. wow, that is pretty lame.

  4. MGS4 or GTA4 at least 1 of thoes should have got the aword oh COD4!

  5. I do MGS4 destroys Halo storyline wise and online isn't bad for MGS4. I was very upset at the resuslts of Game of The Year it definetly should have been MGS4. But it doesn't really prove anything other than there were a bunch of halo fanboys revoting so that halo would win.

  6. This award is becoming to be something like MTV awards or Oscar. Bunch of glamorous shmucks vote for some mainstream pop c**p. Normal people don't even watch it those days.  

  7. halo blows, bioshock is wicked overrated, cod4 meh

    mass effect or mgs4 shoulda won no doubt

    dumb people think halo is revolutionary and amazing but it really isnt anything special

  8. What the f*ck were they on when they decided Halo 3 to be GOTY? Mgs4 deserved it way more. Niko Belic for new character..... LOL crackheads....

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