
Who else thinks this is a good idea or uses it?

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take a broken or otherwise inoperative valueless gun and put it in plain view of you front entrance way...if you come home and open the door and the gun is gone,you know not to enter...a burglar may still be in the house...yes?




  1. That jest sounds like a way to invite a bugler to your place. Make sure all of your valuables are locked up and carry another gun with you because you don't know how many intruders are or have been in your place or if they are going to come back later.

  2. boy...the wankers came out of the woodwork on this aren't "inviting" a burglary if you are careful who you invite into your home in the first always keep your good guns in working order and locked up....duh...i think its a great idea for an early warning system...go for it...i think i saw this recommended in a major gun magazine a few years ago....

  3. What? Now your just being silly! It's not a good idea.

  4. I personally think that the display of a weapon, functional or not, in plain view of anyonewho comes to your door is inviting a burglary.  Not a good idea, at all!

  5. I use an old .22 rifle on my back porch for the same front is secure but the back is open to possible I have it standing in a corner and think its a great idea....

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