
Who else thinks this is funny (about my landlord's eviction case)?

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I didn't pay rent for May. So he took out a Detainer. The dummy didn't get a certificate of mailing to prove that he sent a Pay Or Quit Notice. So the judge dismissed the case.




  1. Yep. Funny. Most landlords are scum. I wouldn't worry about what people are saying. Most judgment creditors (including landlords) don't bother with judgment recovery beyond seeking possession of their property. (It can be too big a pain in the asss.)

  2. Do I think it's funny ?  No, but it was a rather stupid move on your landlord's part, since he is apparently not familiar with eviction process.

    And as for you ?  I gather that you are a 'user of the system', and will take whatever you can get for nothing, regardless of whether or not it is correct to do so.

    I tend to think of such folks as useless louts, to be on the merciful side.

  3. The funniest part is that you cannot live anywhere for free and the landlord will likely end up with a big fat judgment against you for all the money owed plus court costs, possibly legal/attorney fees and court ordered interest.

    Hahahaha! You will have an eviction judgment that will haunt you for years. As soon as future landlords find out about it - they'll reject your application.

    Mwaaaaah! Judgments can be renewed for up to 20 years, will show up on your credit report & ruin your credit, ruin your rental history and you will be denied rentals in the future.

    Hahahaha! The landlord can garnish wages or bank accounts or place liens on your personal property to collect his money.

    Bwaaaahhhh! If you ever attempt to get a loan, purchase or lease a car or buy a home, you will have to pay that judgment off - with interest - in order to do so.

    Who will get the last laugh?

  4. don't you think that your landlord can still win a judgement against you? why are you mooching off of him? If you are living there, you should pay rent. Does he "owe" you free rent?

    Not funny. Can't imagine how you sleep at night.

  5. Yes, your landlord's basic mistakes are funny.  Not all states require pay or quit notices to be sent Certified Mail -- so, your landlord may have made a stupid assumption about the procedures in your state.

    I also think it's funny that you think someone will rent to you with an eviction record and/or property collection, and that your landlord will not garnish your wages.

  6. Based on what I have to go on, I'm not really surprised that you think it's funny.

  7. What "I am my world" says is true, regardless of the thumbs down. Except that I wouldn't go as far as to say that most landlords are "scum". Some are genuinely good people. It's just a matter of finding them.

  8. Not funny because when he does get it right, you will still owe all that back rent, plus late fees, plus court costs.

    All he has to do is register a  notice of judgement on you and it sits on your credit rating until you pay it. If you are getting a background check for a job, a car loan ... whatever. It's going to show up.

  9. hello - this is actually not funny.   it affects your landlord, but in the long run says more about you than him.  its poeple like you that cause the rest of us to pay higher taxes and welfare costs etc.  be honest and pay your rent.

  10. Depending on what state you live in, you may not find it all so funny when landlord files correctly and you cant rent cause it shows you defaulted and have a nasty judgment against you...

  11. tread lightly here.  You actually state you haven't paid rent and that's not good.  So, you may be laughing now as your landlord goes thru the motions but if he decides to turn things over to an attorney at one point or actually file the paperwork correctly, you can be in a great deal of trouble.  I've had friends taken to court over non-payment of rent and they got the book thrown at them.  One is still paying (with all the penalties, late fees, etc) and it's been close to nine months since he moved.

    My hope is that you are saving all the rent your are supposed to be paying so when it comes time to settle in court, you have the funds.  I bet your landlord will be laughing then.

  12. Do you plan on using this guy as a reference for your next place? I hope not.

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