
Who else thinks this is nasty?

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i went to the store several times and cant figure out whats up with women and their clothes...

who else thinks camel toes are nasty??

i mean come on...theres just so far clothing is supposed to go...




  1. It is nasty!  But to be honest, I have never seen this out in public.

  2. It shows that the woman either has no class or just no fashion sense to walk around with camel toe.

  3. camel toes? i don't even know what it is and i imagine her wearing actual camels toes ha ha

  4. camel toes are out lol

  5. It is gross, that's why I prefer to wear skirts.

  6. uhhhhhggg!!! gross, why would they do that?

  7. yes but some woman can't help it if they wear pants that fit. i mean, i'm really petite and wear a size 0-1 and some pants tend to give me that effect if they are stretchy, so i just wear a long shirt to cover, but whatever.  

  8. Nothing makes dressing as easy as quickly wrap around a skirt and a slip on to a top and off you go. Apart from not having to think too hard, a wrap skirt could be both empowering and utterly s**y. No need to bother about the shape and fittings. It compliments you the way you are.

    A wrap skirt could become a stylish foundation for a crisp white shirt or your floral blouse. Winter Florals are a natural phenomenon in women’s fashion especially in the Big Apple. This is one city which loves flowers all year round and more when they disappear. Many designers believe that flowers are good to go from day to night either in Bouquets of on the garments. A wrap skirt is always fresh as the flowers and ready for all occasions. If you do not know what to wear, which color to wear – Choose a Wrap Skirt.

    If you want to be bit more casual think of this Multi wear Wrap Skirt or Dress Skirt in every imaginable line and finish that can take you from office to the opera. Skirts had always been the preferred choice of the fashion forward for decade after decade. The wrap skirt survived all odds and passed all tests.

  9. yes!

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