
Who else thinks verizon sucks?

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Who else thinks verizon sucks?




  1. We have Verizon and I hate them. They're hard to deal with, they're expensive, and their website takes forever to load and is awkward. My husband won't switch, that's why we still have them. I just hate dealing with them. One time I went in to get a new battery for my phone, and the guy who helped me had to come out from the back because there were so many customers. I guess he didn't like having to wait on me, he took the money, gave me the new battery, and just left without saying anything. Another employee had to take the old battery and answer my questions. I'd love to go with somebody else.

  2. Ive had verizon, at&t, & sprint. The best one has been verizon, & the worst is at&t

  3. I know so many people who have had trouble with them overbilling them and then they won't correct the charges. You can't win and they know it. If you don't pay them it goes on your credit so people just pay. My daughter has had so much trouble with them that it's not even funny. I think they are crooked. I would never get Verizon. I've seen too much. I know of at least four people personally that they have bilked out of thousands of dollars.

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