
Who else thinks we will be at war (WW3) with russia?

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I do

Also, check this.

During WW2 era, Hitler invades Czechoslovakia with the reason to protect Germans in that country.

Fast forward to modern time, Russia invades Georgia with the reason of protecting Russians in that country.

how does the saying go that history tends to repeat itself? i think i just said it.

Also, Russia lying about invading a country is BAD

"Rogozin said Russian troops had entered South Ossetia to protect Russian peacekeepers and civilians. He added - unconvincingly given the air raids - that Russia was not conducting any military operation against Georgia outside the conflict zone in South Ossetia. "

Guys, i fear WW3 is around the corner :(

Do you guys?




  1. I do think that WW3 will happen. My lecturer told us a few weeks ago that the only ways to prevent WW3 from happening is to tell the US to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS and tell the JEWS to stop scheming against people of their opposite kind. *Whatever*

  2. My family is originally from the Caucasus, around Georgia. My parents were born in Russia. There has been conflict, genocide and warfare in that part of the world for at least 150 years. During Czarist Russia, Soviet Russia, and now post Soviet Russia. There has always been very strong anti-Soviet and anti-Russian sentiment among many Caucasian people, but now that the Soviet Union has collapsed, many people see Russia as weak and impotent. The Georgians, Chechens, etc, see this as a chance to seize what they believe is rightfully there's. They totally underestimate Russia's power. I have known Chechen people who said, "Russians may have more weapons, but Chechens are brave and we are courageous." Even if they may not have nukes, weapons, tanks, soldiers, etc... they're willing to lose what they've got, even if it's not a lot. It may seem like suicide to you and me watching Georgia charge at a giant like Russia, but that is the mentality in that part of the world.

  3. Unless Russia invades a country that the U.S. has a key interest in, the two countries will not fight one another. Despite that Georgia is a U.S. ally, the U.S. does not have any real important interests that I know of in there.

  4. perhaps not necessarily with Russia but just WW3 in general

  5. I only fear WW3 is around the corner is we elect another Republican into office.  Then we'll be dug so far into war we will never get out in one piece!  If we elect McCain, I want to move to Canada!  The USA will only continue to get worse!

    (and I am proud to be an American...just not proud of American leadership...)

  6. Why would we die for Georgia?  Are you insane?  It's a civil war that involves Russia.

  7. Its bound to become WWIII,

    the bloody U.S. are sending in AID, the Russians will get pissed and  "accsidently" shoot down a U.S. helicopter, at that time  the U.S. will declare war on Russia. When it speads into alaska, the British and maybe the Australians will send a small amount of forces to aid. With the U.S.'s lack of attention in the middle east, they will resist the yanks whilst forming an alliance with russia and a few other countries. Russia will decide that France "is a threat" (LOL) and whilst the frence surender will drop troops in france to sandwitch the germans. The British will retake france and aid in the rebuilding of both France and Germany. Russia, realizing they may lose, will join forces with China and North korea, and when the war ends, if the British/ then the will be able to make the Russians/Chinese/Muslims sign a treaty to colaps half of there forces, and destroy there Weapons of Mass Destruction. But if the Chinese/Russians/muslims win, the they will spit Americas and Europe between them, and continue to kill.

    And its possible that Bush after going into WWIII will, like the first Caesar(and Palpetine, from Star Wars) will remain in power long after his term is over.

  8. That's ridiculous. Seriously. We're not going to war to protect Georgia.  

  9. Basically that disgusting vile country called America always has some war planned, and the biggest thing to profit a country is WAR, figures MMMMM

  10. no!!

  11. I like your thinking and attention to detail. However, I just don't see it happening. It's going to take a h**l of a lot more than the invasion of Georgia to trigger a full scale war. What is going to happen is Russia is going to find itself isolated more and more if this continues.  

  12. BobJr's i agree with you.

    And I see no reason that ww3 will be with russia.

  13. WW III will probably start in the Middle East - Israel and Iran throw the first bombs.  Hopefully the rest of us will keep our wits and not start blasting Nukes all over the place.

  14. you may be a budding fearmonger.

    putin picked on a lesser adversary, not the U.S.

  15. yea could happen

  16. Putin does not have those characteristics. Why does Russia have to attack Georgia?Georgia has not tried to overthrow the gov of russia

  17. Nah...

    if anything a coalition of china, north Korea and the Muslim oil states would try to take on the world, i bet Russia would remain neutral and leave the fighting to the good old USA!!!

  18. Don't feed into negative energy.  Fear is not a way of life it is a choice.  Stop fearing and take a stand for life and peace.  

  19. Russia is heading south the border..  russia wants to connect Russia to Iran  by land.....

  20. I hope not.

    b/c if so we are all going to die b/c chances

    are they'll just lay a nuclear bomb on us.

  21. world did nothing then. World is doing nothing now

  22. If you watch the news, you would know that the US does not want to get involved. And why would it be a world war just cause it involves Russia.

  23. yes i think u.s. and russia will go to war sooner or later.

  24. I got my money that it will be with china but thats just me.

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