
Who else thought Jeff Hardy from the WWE just busted his neck from his fight with MVP?

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He just landed right on his head, I know WWE is fake but how did he survive that easily, or how did they fake that. What do you think?




  1. it did look like he ****** ot up

  2. No this has been answered countless times. Jeff Hardy is not hurt, and it's hard to tell how they "faked" it they are professionals.

  3. Dude, I thought the exact same thing. When that happened, I was just like 'oh my god, he just broke his neck.'

    I don't think that he was meant to land like that. You could see it when referee Charles Robinson ran straight to him and spoke right into his ear and MVP backed right off. It was way to dangerous, even in professional wrestling, to risk something like that. I think that he was meant to fall on his back or something like that and he went back to far. He was obviously okay though as he got right back onto the top rope and continued the match. But seriously though, when I first saw that, I thought that he was critically injured.

    And for those people who keep saying that WWE is fake, it's not. It's scripted, not fake. There's a big difference. No matter how well the guy you're working with takes care of you, do you think that it just doesn't hurt at all when you land square on your back? Or when you get hit directly in the head with a chair? These guys, as Jeff Hardy just showed us on Smackdown, risk life and limb to entertain us, and they sure as h**l don't get the respect that they deserve.

  4. Yeah its scipted but wwe can have real things.He is having some hard time since he injured his neck few weeks ago so maybe he has hard time doing his whisper in the wind

  5. its not fake its scripted maybe he wast supossed to fall sometimes they s***w up and get hurt but there so highy trained that they can take hits like that but sometimes injurys happen  

  6. Scripted not fake, yes it looked like it hurt

  7. ok i know its scripted and stuff but seriously that was real.

    yu saw it. i saw it. PPL SITTING THERE saaw it.

    he got hurt.

    wrestlers DO get hurt yu know.

  8. WWE is NOT fake its scripted BTW he didnt fake it he just landed LUCKILY to bounce of his neck not to hurt it

  9. he didnt break it.its just sore. wwe is fake.i

  10. Yes I Think so.

  11. He got very luck. He was probably supposed to land on his back but slipped early. And the ring mat is hard!

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