
Who else thought it was sportsman-like of Federer to pat the ballgirl's head as she walked him to the podium?

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When Federer went up to accept his award for finalling in the French Open 2008, the ballgirl walked him over there and as she left, he patted her on the head. Very sportsman-like, agreed?




  1. Lizzy yes it was very nice of him to do that rather than just ignore them like Rafa did but no disrespect to Rafa I guess he didn't know what to do or perhaps didn't know that the ballgirl or little ballboy was behind him or walking with him.

    It was like yesterday's Women's Final where Safina just walked up ahead of the ballboy giving him no recognition at all and the poor little guy just stood at the foot of the steps looking around as if wondering where to go next. Ana on the other hand made a point of taking her little guy by the hand and walking up to the steps with him which I'm sure gave the little guy a real feel good memory.

    Roger was very gracious in defeat or total annihilation today. He still managed to make the crowd laugh and congratulated Rafa for playing great and thanked the staff and the fans for coming out over the fortnight. He is a true Champion. Let's hope that Borg's potential jinx in the post match interview with Mac by saying Nadal will win Wimby won't affect Roge. I think Borg said it just so he can retain the tie for 5 Wimbys and not loose it to Roger when Roge wins his 6 th next month.

    It'll be nice to have Roger back on his favourite surface and hopefully in top form. I think he said it best when he said that he was tired but just outplayed by Rafa who has never played better against him. Plus LUCK was definitely on Rafa's side too. Ever mishit or fluke shot or net cord turned into a winner for Rafa it seemed.

  2. Yes it was nice. Ana Ivanovic held the ball bays hand as she walked up. Dinara did not even acknowledge his presence lol

  3. It was a warm and kind gesture, though not "sportsman-like" exactly.  Sportsmanship is something you display towards a competitor, not to a ballkid.  But it was very admirable of him to do that.

  4. agreed :) such a gentleman. i loved his speech too. even with the devestatng loss he still managed to keep a smile and make the crowd laugh!

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