
Who else thought that Batman Begins was better than the Dark Knight?

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Batman Begins had much more character development and focused more on Batman. The Dark Knight focused more on the Joker and Dent/Two-Face.

Batman Begins was more dramatic while the Dark Knight was going for the summer blockbuster approach.

Begins had the attractive Katie Holmes while Dark Knight had the girl with the silly putty-face.

I give Batman Begins 5/5 and the Dark Knight 4.5/5.




  1. I did not  

  2. The only reason I would consider TDK better is because of Ledger's performance as the Joker.

    Actually, if Ledger's performance could be separated into it's own movie I would say that it was better than both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

    But you're right Begins does focus on Bruce Wayne and how he became Batman with all the backstory from when he was a kid. TDK was not focused on any one character but 5-7 different ones.

    But TDK did have the Joker, so I can't say I agree with you.

    And according to IMDB's Top 250, link supplied below, there have already been more voters for TDK and it's at 9.1 in contrast to Batman Begins' 8.3.

  3. Batman Begins focuses much more on Batman's inner turmoil and his psychological makeup. The Joker is the predominant "mind" going on in The Dark Knight. But to politely disagree, I thought that other girl captured Rachel's character much better than Katie Holmes.


  4. I prefer Batman Begins over it's sequel because it focused more on Batman. In almost all the Batman films, the hero is always overshadowed by the villain, ex. Tim Burton's franchise, Batman (The Joker had more screen time than the title character) and in Batman Returns (it focused more on the Penguin and Catwoman). In Batman Begins it reboots the franchise back to the comics dark and gritty roots, telling the origin story of the legend himself.

    The film featured great psychological depth and serious character development. It explores Bruce Wayne's tortured path in becoming the Bat, from his parent's death, to his intense training, to his rise in Gotham City. Not only do you care about Batman but you care about the alter-ego, Bruce Wayne.

    I also thought that Batman Begins had better dialog and more memorable quotes. Everything that Ra's al Ghul said (played by Liam Neeson) was both wise and true.

    "A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed, or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely."

    Batman Begins is by far, the greatest live-action BATMAN film of all-time, if you know what I mean.

  5. i will not agree with you, because nobody needs a one-man show.

    there must be a good script and good characters for a good film.

    The Dark Knight had a good script and a bunch of good characters.

    Also this film shows the real talent of late Heath Ledger and othe co-artists and what about the dialogues???

    Will you disagree with this all????

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