
Who else thought that Jennifer Stuczynski's coach, Rick Suhr was a jerk?

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I think she did a fabulous job, winning a silver medal is awesome. The Russian Olympian Yelena Isinbayeva was hard to beat, and she's so good she broke her own record.

Rick Suhr on the other hand - is a jerk and is an idiot! He should not have yelled and put her down the way he did. He looked like he was disgusted with her, they need to fire him.

What do you think?




  1. I think the guy was a total jerk..obvisiously im not the only one who believes that but those of you who are criticizing her for her trash talking I disagree with. Theres a big sifference between trash talking and being confident. She said I hope we kick some russian buttor something along those lines. Thats a big difference from trash talking. I beleive thats her just being over confident. What the French said before the mens swimming relay "We're going to smash the Americans" is in my mind trash talking. The key difference is the word I hope. I believe what she said is just being excited and a little over confident. I don't believe she meant any disrespect to the russians...She was just over excited. And if thats why her coach was so harsh then He needs to grow up. As a coach i woud want my athletes to be a little confident. It's the olympics... If i was an olympic athlete i would be cocky and over confident too. You dont get to the olympics by backing down and not having any confidence.

  2. You won't see a CHINESE coach acting like that.

    Now who's being abused?

  3. Oh I wish the network didn't show everything they catch with their cameras and would cut the athletes (and coaches) a little slack now and then by helping them to create a good image. Not everyone can be up all the time or control their emotions (too many interviews and tears from broken down athletes after they fail).

  4. Hey sunshine...thanks for the American Bashing. I was afraid that a question ws going to slip by without someone taking their shot at the USA and telling us what losers we are. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and giving us the good rogering that we deserve.

  5. yeah! right after she won silver medal and walking to rick suhr, expecting to hear words of encouragement and congratulations, she just heard a mouthful of how she disappointed and random stuff about a meat grinder (i REALLY don't know wear that came from for his "pep" talk)

    a silver medal is REALLY great for a girl who didn't even start pole vaulting until 4 years back!

    go USA!!!

  6. Herb Brooks, undoubtedly the greatest hockey coach on the planet, was a world class a-sore.  Vince Lombardi wasn't the nicest guy to be around during a game.  If you're involved in athletics long enough, you're going to run across a coach like that.  It doesn't mean they aren't a great coach.  It just means they are a jerk.  Most players learn not to take it personally.

    She wasn't an angel here either.  Her "kick a little Russian butt" comment was uncalled for.

  7. I agree that he is a jerk.  The question is...who is the coach (Rick Suhr)?  Is he some former gold medalist or world champion? Was he putting all of HIS hopes on winning a gold medal?  It's almost as if she ruined it for HIM. Instead, he ruined the moment for Jenn.  

    Did she appear on the Today show?  I think almost ALL medalists of note were given some air time, but don't think she was on.  It may be because her sullen attitude in winning the silver does not make for good TV.  She can thank her coach for helping to tarnish her image.  It was very sad to see.

  8. yeah i was like wth when they showed it on tv.  

  9. I think they're both jerks.

    Jenn was totally trash talking the Russian in the media before the event. They both need to grow up and learn a little sportsmanship.

    They are both an embarrassement to the US.

  10. They need to put him in a "meat grinder."  lol

    What was he talking about anyway?  No helpful advice.  Just scolding her for her disappointing silver.  

    She needs a new coach.  

  11. she did a great job- but i think he was angry with her trash talking.  i know i would have been.  in that event, the americans got a taste of their own medicine.

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