
Who else thought the judges screwed up the Jackson vs Griffin decision?

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This fight was a draw at worst! are you kidding me! one of the reasons true fans like mma is because we didnt have to worry about fixed fights like in boxing. Props to Griffin but to anyone watching the fight he did not get a unanimous decision. straight BS!




  1. I am a griffin fan personally, so you can take that into account.

    I thought it could have gone 47-48 either way if you wanted to stretch it. But I had it 47-47.

    like i had the secound could have gone 10-8 or 10-9 forrest. if you say 10-9 then rampage wins.

    and MAYBE the 4th could have gone to either but i think it was rampages.

    But i had this








    I think they had it scored close to this and gave the edge to forrest who was DEFINATELY more dominant overall, but scoring-wise i dont agree if you break it down by round. but they scored it 48-46 mostly so that would say that forrest won the third or fourth. I mean he had a triangle attempt he coulf not even finish and that was about it.

    I think Forrest had a more definitive performance overall. But if you break it down round by round, I had it scored 48-47 rmapage but could have thought it could go either way

  2. So its unbelievable that all the Judges thought Forest won. It was close but except for maybe one round Forest did a little better.

    PS just a little better wins you the whole round

  3. Meh, I've been gravitating towards DREAM and K-1 max anyways.

    UFC fights are starting to get boring

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