
Who else wants to boycott companys who only support digital tvs?

by  |  earlier

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I like the classic tube tvs that are 13" inches D:

I wanna to boycott them so bad they ruined my life!




  1. oh my god no! companys support what they get paid for. They dont get to choose, and how the heck did a company supporting digital TV ruin your life. No offense, but seriously i dont get that.

  2. hey wile your at it give the president a hello for me ha this is america son america is advanced and only going to get more advanced and americas free so if you peacefuly protest i say h**l have at it youd hurt your self more protesting than actualy watching it also its called volume control duh thats why the give you the option to change volume its not rocket science guys

  3. Can I say something please? Digital TV may have its quirks as of now. But, I feel that it blows analog TV off the road in too many ways to explain here. I'm for Digital TV.

  4. That sounds very 'political'.

    You think they would care?

    Do something positive instead of negative.

    If you think there's a market then start your own business supporting only 13''

    If you think it wouldn't work, then you're probably wrong to do what you suggest.

  5. This is TV Electronics - GO AWAY and bother someone else. Try the Y/A Categories to find a forum that may be interested in your ramblings.

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