
Who else watched Spongebob instead of Obama on Oreilly?

by Guest59147  |  earlier

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It was a superhero episode with Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy's versus arch nemesis -Manta Man!

Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy used the Tickle Belt on him.





  1. Quote: Barack 0bama "the surge has worked beyond everyone's wildest dreams"

  2. That would be easier for you to understand.

  3. hhaha MEEEEEEE :) j/k I watched Osama on O'reilly. :)



  4. I watched it, and O'Reilly is using it to boost his show. It's going to be played in three parts. Tonight, and M, T, and W of next week. I guess they need to boost their advertising sponsors for some extra cash with a candidate they know will get the views they need.

  5. I was watching a porno movie with my math teacher but whatever!

  6. My all time fave sponge bob part was in the movie with the Hoff.

    (no I didn't bother watching B.O)

  7. RATS, I thought it would be on later..maybe there will be a repeat of it durning the RNC.... one can hope!

  8. Dayum...I missed Spongebob!!

  9. I would rather jump into a pond filled with deadly snakes than watch him say a bunch of bull. You know what, I'd rather run into a brick wall than watch him!.

  10. Actually it was Man Ray.. mamamamama..  BTW Im voting democrat in November. wuuahahaha

  11. I didn't watch Spongebob but I did watch Sarah Palin's amazing speech last night

  12. ME lol

  13. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Obama squirm.

  14. Seen it. I like Tim Conway and Ernest Borgnine as the voice overs for MM and BB. Worked out instead. Did catch the last 20 of McCains speech. Looks like he's picking up steam, and will give BO a run for his money.But did watch BO before I left.

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