
Who else would like to see palin as vp and hill as pres in 2012?

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I think palin might pave the way for women and acceptance of them in powerful places




  1. I like Hillary but Palin stole the show.  I was impressed with the Hockey mom, I like how she is just an average Josephine, I don't care if her speech was written for her, every speech by every political figure is written for them.  I'm willing to bet she had a lot of input into that speech though - unlike Bush or Obama.

    Besides, as a guardian of a special needs child, I can't wait to have my advocate be the VP of the United States!

    Palin for President in 2008 would work for me but I think I can wait until 2012!

  2. Interesting ticket. However they are from two separate parties with very differing viewpoints. I do not think you would ever see such a ticket.

    Alternatively if you are talking a two women on the same ticket I do believe it will happen but not in 2012.

  3. NOT ME!

  4. Not me! That idea makes me puke!

  5. Palin president in 2012, Hillary in the ashcan of history in 2012.

  6. I suggest she go back to being the governor of Alaska, and possibly learn how to raise her daughter better.

    Or practice being a grandmother.

  7. pave they way for what? she wants to help reverse a womens civil right for 30 years to choose. so what pavement are you talking about?  


  8. I'm all for having more women in high places but there are ALOT of female politicians more qualified than Palin.. And good god they're not even IN THE SAME PARTY!!!

    you do know that Palin and Clinton dont even share the same views right? They're pretty much opposites

  9. I'm a woman. I don't want to see Sarah in office and maybe Hilary but she likes to lie a lot so maybe not.

    No she lied to the public while running not to mention dragged others in the mud. i personally think Hilary decided to run because when Clinton was impeached they predicted she would and guess what....she did but it was based on polls...

  10. Paul/Kucinich in 2012....and my joke is beyond you.

    EDIT:  Wow! people really believe that these two individuals could run on the same ticket....pass me what you are smoking.

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