
Who elses life is over?

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OMG! rampage was robbed dude. Is anyone elses life over now because of it? I realize their are already 50 questions about this, but mine is different. I don't know how I am going to go on. (Hopefully you picked up the sarcasm).

It's a sport people. not life and death. get over it.




  1. I feel bad for anybody who took the loss that seriously (unless you lost a ton of money in a bet). Whoever did take it that badly needs to get a life. I like sports and all that stuff, but guys, come on, you are watching it, not in it.

  2. yes well mine is definately over i havn't decided yet whether to slit my wrists or shoot myself.

    wtf is with these wulf wanna bes?

  3. there's too much hype about this fight-who cares really?  Rampage losing ins't that big of a surprise.  The only thing I care about is The Dragon beating Forrest for that title, and keeping it until he retires...BOOYAH

  4. i know most people think im weird cuz im a girl tht knows all most every thing about sports but...


  5. Rampage's fans seem more more robbed than Rampage himself. He did say he thought he lost fair and square.

  6. rofl

  7. I am happy..I told everyone Forest was going to win..people kept giving me thumbs down on here..oh well I just think Rampage underestimated Forest. He has a heart of a champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. ROFL.  I never had too. lol.

  9. wtf??

  10. You're helarious...  But seriously Forrest beating Rampage is a fricken 'Cinderella Story' if ever the UFC had one.  Rampage is cool but Forrest is the chit.  Matt Hughes said, to be a real champion you have to successfully defend the title.  However,since Rampage took the 9 month lay off more lightly, we know MMA fans will still discount Forrest and thus he will not receive full props until he has a couple good showings against top ten guys or... if he has it in him... beats Rampage again!

  11. My life ended way before that when Kramnik beat Kasparov ending over a decade of the grandmaster's rule over the chessboard.

    It's been over five years and I still don't know why God bothers keeping me in existence.

    And everybody knows time-added time controls favor positional players over tacticians! It wasn't right!

  12. sounds like someone hacked katana's profile

    edit- im such an idiot =P i should of read this question over lol

    yea "quintin was robbed" LOL

  13. You have to understand how yahoo works as far as having a seperate forum for ufc/mma .Not only yahoo but the media and politicians and add agencys who write the commercials for products.people buy everyday.

    To be accepted or used it has to appeal to lowest common denomination thinking.Things that require study and pose questions may be tolerated but not promoted to the brain dead emotionaly stunted masses who are told what they should feel about anything and everything and not to look at this information to closely.

    I am not saying this mind set exists only among mma ufc fanatics but among TMA people as well  .

    But in order for this to work the manipulators and wannabe's have to 1st find out what is popular and most loudly proclaimed usually by people who haven't a clue .Fantasy wishful thinking becomes the norm .The ultimate kick anyones *** style is (enter any style or method here) then there is the "how to become a ninja dorks and how can I disable paralyze

    kill someone with a little poke to a pressure point clowns"

    haven't got a clue and never will have.

    So where do the manipulators go to decide what to publicize what to promote what to say how to say it or present it all in the search for the glorious buck .To forums like this and blogs both of which cover every subject known to man .Truth be damned unfounded biase and opinion is supreme.

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