
Who elses mother is into TV Evangelists like crazy? I just think she does it?

by  |  earlier

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to find a familial and social escape hatch for not being present and conscious and available in any helpful way. It's like you tell her something where . .used to be . . she gave a F . . and would even rush to help . . NOW . . it's like she is giving everyone the finger by acting like a r****d.

She may as well be saying, "I like Pie", while people are bleeding to death around her . . and picking her nose. I want to slap her face off. But alas . . I am out of state. She's always like, "Oh watch so and so on TBN" . . .like - Oh, yeah that is gonna get me my house back.

I can't wait to tell her to, "Oh watch blah and blah on blah blah blah", when she is lying in her own sh*t in a nursing home. I will try to find the Worst one possible with like Ex-Cons in it as nurses aids and medical assistants, . . . and, even then, I will ask if she can get a discount if every Sunday she SKIPS all care and attention. He, he,he, he ,he, he.




  1. do you think tv evangelists like to dine out?

  2. Well, with you for a son I can see why she watches televangelists all day.  If I were her I wouldn't want to talk to you either.  You want to slap her face off?  If that isn't the hallmark of a caring, concerned, and compassionate child I don't know what is.  Did you think that she may have an emotional or physical problem?  Have you taken her to her doctor to see what is up with her change in behavior?  Have you considered that maybe she is suffering from depression, or maybe she has Alzheimer's?  

    You are certainly self involved to think that the only reason she's doing this is to thumb her nose at you.  Why don't you try getting over yourself and try doing something to HELP your mother!  Boy, what a concept, actually to do something for someone else!  Well, try it, you might like it.

  3. I give you my props for being a mature, responsible adult. *note my facetious tone* If you have such a problem with her watching it instead of solving all of your problems, maybe you should just talk to her about it instead of wishing horrible things on her.

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