
Who ever answer this correct will be awarded as best answer!?

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How will i select your answer as best answer?

There are 10 people who could be the owner of the bank. They all sit in separate chairs across a long table facing north. The table is made of aluminum. The owner of the bank sits next to M. M sits on the left side of the banker. M sits next to C. C sits 4 places to the left of L. L sits next to O and rarely talks to S, E or Z, because they hate him and because they sit on the far right of the bank. O does not sit next to the owner of the bank. The two people left are F and T. T hates the owner of the bank and is considering resigning. Give the names of all the bankers from left to right.




  1. oh gosh i hate these!

    CM LO

    ok i give up....

  2. The way I see it:

    C M F T L O S E Z

    F is the owner of the bank. There's probably already four answers of this ahead of me.

    I count only nine people... if the owner wasn't a letter in the question, then he sits between m and f in the letters

  3. C - M - (Bank Owner) - F - L - O - T - S - E - Z

    10 people

  4. C M F T L O S E Z

    C is bank owner

  5. Sir

  6. Well...theres Bucky. Bucky the banker. Then theres Mr. Drysdale.

  7. sezmcfolt

    My mind is all muddled so that is probably wrong.

  8. The way I see it:

    C M F T L O S E Z

    F is the owner of the bank.  There's probably already four answers of this ahead of me.

    I count only nine people... if the owner wasn't a letter in the question, then he sits between m and f in the letters.

  9. You can't give a definite answer to this question because the positions of S, E and Z cannot be established. Yes, they're on the far right but their exact position on the far right cannot be determined with the info provided. Who's to say they aren't seated as E, S and Z or Z, E and then S. It's unanswerable.

    Unless, this riddle is a joke....

  10. this is way too confusing!

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