
Who ever visited ireland,especially the northern part?

by Guest58293  |  earlier

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Who ever visited ireland,especially the northern part?




  1. Well I live there. It's nice, and, well it's just nice.

  2. I went ti Ireland for a ten day vacation back in 1988, but my tour didn't include Northern Ireland. That suited me just fine, since I wanted to come home in one piece.

  3. i happen to live near the border to northern Ireland, on the republic side. as far as i am concerned the north west/ northern coast  is the prettiest in ireland. county donegal and the rest of ulster.

  4. Northern Ireland is nice.  It is sparsley populated (outside of Belfast) and is quite rural.  Nothing happens anymore.  It is very safe and peaceful.  Belfast and Derry have their problems, but so do all cities.  In the small towns everybody knows eachother and there is very little crime.  I recommend going to Northern Ireland to see the country side.  However, it is advisable to hire a car if you go to Northern Ireland (outside Belfast).  The bus service is unrelaible, slow, and can be expensive and the trains only serve half the country (east of the River Bann).  The roads are good and well-marked and  it is hard to get lost.

  5. Well I don't think I would go to the Northern part. It's calm right now, but so was Lebanon 2 weeks ago.

    I just came back from Endinburgh in Scotland though. It was really really lovely. We'd just been burning up in Rome and Paris and it was so nice to have to wear a jacket.

  6. Both parts of the island have their advantages and disadvantages- don't listen to the idiots who bang on about the violence- even in the worst days of the troubles almost 15 years ago tourists were always safe and things have been very quiet- the referenece to the Lebanon situation was uncalled for and unwarranted. Loads of great scenery and a lot of places Belfast, Derry, Dublin etc are really improving regards providing tourists with facilities and the new tram system in Dublin is an excellent way to start touring that city. As for other parts- both north and south renting a car or bike would be very useful as public transport still isn't as goos or as regular as it should be.

  7. I live in Ireland. Theres very little danger in travelling to Northern Ireland. They're not after you!

    I live near the border and we go there to shop all the time. Its not  much different there to here. Except you've got more UK companies etc.

    There are beautiful things to see in NI so give it a try,

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