
Who exactly runs the AFL?

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(And I don't mean Channels 7/10 or Eddie etc) I know there's Andrew Dimitrieu, but who else is on the board or whatever it is???




  1. Me


  2. Eddie and Collingwood, they never have to travel, always get home games. I know you said no Eddie, but he does,

  3. Andy D runs the show, no need for boards or whatever, only one rule ion the AFL, his way or the highway

  4. a group of #$%@!

  5. The current AFL board consists of - Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, George Bush, and Kim Jong Il as well as that Andrew twit.

    Edit. It probably isn't. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was!

  6. George Bush, He is going to run it in the ground like he did the United States

  7. the afl runs it the clubs own it

  8. Its a mystery to me...They wont reveal who's on the board for fear of retribution :P

  9. hitler

  10. A person

  11. Television and the advertisers. They say what we are going to watch, what radio can broadcast. As far as JoeBlo and the rest of us are concerned, like it or lump it. Recently top games were overlooked - Geelong vs Fremantle shown AND broadcast, and MCG game Collingwood vs Adelaide ignored. Did anyone explain the strategy behind that. The answer is "what's it to do with you".

    We can't really complain. "Free to air" TV. But you guys with cable, paying for it, ought to complain and get reasons how these decisions are made. Then again, you might get to see the "better" contests.

  12. the league of robots

  13. Who runs the AFL?

    Who knows?

    But isn't it terrible.......they appear not to be taking notice of what is written in this sections with suggestions that would improve the league.

    I can't understand how they didn't have a survey in here before they announced the formation of the pending two new teams! With such a wealth of know-all talent that comes to this section on a regular basis the AFL administration is surely remiss at not getting approval from Yahoo members before making any important decision.

    There are so many people that use this section that know everything there is to know about the game & how it should be run. My fat-feral-fan who comments on my every post in here is a prime example.

  14. John Michael Howsen, Dame Edna, Boy George, Elton John, George Michael,Tom Cruise & Ian Thorpe.

    Tinkerbell designs their shorts.

  15. Reg Reagan

  16. The love of the almighty dollar runs it you only have to look at the fixtures and who benefits from them to work that one out.

  17. Harrison Jay Bartlett

  18. Well, they're all g.a.y, so don't worry your small mind about it.

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