
Who expects more from there partner? Men or Women?

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What I mean is what is the general expectations of each gender on average. Just curious because I noticed on dating websites and stuff; guys list's are ussually really small and chicks list's are ussually a mile long...




  1. Women from Men

  2. Women of course. Lets move on to something new this week.

    ------ However, I don't expect much of a single woman because it wouldn't make sense to desire from her something that another woman could do better. Why choose ?

  3. Women expect more in terms of material provision

    Men expect more in terms of emotional provision

  4. girls do.sometimes guys though.

  5. I thin kit all depends on the individual. Maybe the women that are writing more because they've sat down and really thought about what they want.

  6. i think women expect more of men. a lot more.. haha.

  7. I think people in general are expecting too much from their partners these days. But from my perspective, women.

  8. even though I am a women I would have to say a women expects more from her man cause some women have the tendency to think the world revolves around them in the marriage...but you know I am just keeping it real....heard on BET :)

  9. It depends on the individual man or woman...peope in some couples expect d**n near nothing from their partners.

  10. Actually, I think they both expect the same.  But women tend to communicate in a more lengthy manner, and so use more words.  Guys get to the point, hence, less words.

  11. Guys just keep the list short because they don't want to seem like they care.

  12. Men.......or maybe women.

  13. Mate if we expect anything from a women we are infringing her rights....does that answer your question.

  14. It depends on the person, id have to say that a lot of women tend to have unreal expectations when it comes to relationships, and some men tend to look for women who will pick up where their mothers left off.

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