
Who feeds their baby "Good Start by Nestle Powder milk???

by Guest59645  |  earlier

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ive been giving my son goodstart supreme and ever since then his stool is sooo much it comes out of his diaper? also its very watery and dark green and smelly. is this normal?




  1. i give it to my 7 wk old girl, and yes she has so much that it almost comes out of her diaper as well.  at first hers were watery and dark green for the first couple of weeks but its almost normal now. i have heard the iron in it is what makes it so dark green.  good luck

  2. i do  

  3. Breastfeeding is normal.

    Anything else is...well..artificial.

  4. OMG...this happened to me last week! I had to stop breastfeeding due to medical issues so I put my son on this formula and his p**p turned very runny and turned green and smelly too, he was also having sometimes like 5 or more  dirty diapers a day. My doctor said that green stool in infants can be normal but if he is going often and its runny it could mean he needs a different formula, so he recommended I try a lactose free formula and its like I have a different baby! He is so much happier and his p**p is now a normal yellow color and not very runny anymore. I would suggest you talk to your pediatrician about switching ( just to make sure) but I definately did not like Good Start formula. Good luck!

  5. I've gave my son Nestle good start since he was born(and breast milk for 4 months). For a while there he was having a green stool every p**p, but now hes on alot of solids so its normal now. I dont think its anythig to worry about unless you can tell your baby is in alot of discomfort.  I think it is normal for every baby to p**p out of their diaper once in a while. I noticed it was time to go up a diaper size when it hapened often, even if the diapers still said they we're meant to fit him. Hope this helps:)

  6. New born generally pass stool ,almost green or dark color.

    After sometime, their stool color will be same like adult.Even some new born passes stool after 3-4 days,it is quite normal,mainly for breastfeeders.Bottle feeders can pass stool everyday or after 3-4 days.

    Breastmilk is the best.Nothing is as nutrious as breastmilk for the baby.

    But for some reason,breastmilk is not given.than go for any brand powder milk.Nestle is good.You can carry on.Just remember to make him/her burp after the feeding,by patting on his/her back,very necessary.

    Enjoy with your little world.Best of luck.

  7. My nephew had to be switched to that because he was fussy on similac.

    I would suggest trying to "Good start natural cultures" it might help with that problem.

  8. I used that formula for the first 3 months of my daughter's life, thinking that the "comfort proteins" would be the easiest on her tummy.  

    Here's TMI, so read at your own risk....

    While on the Goodstart her poops were gray and would come out like soft serve ice cream.  I called it "gray sludge".  It was terrible and the weirdest thing I had ever seen.  I switched her to the cheap store brand (with the exact same ingredients) at 3 months, and her digestive system responded IMMEDIATELY.  I wish I had saved all the money from the beginning!!

  9. As a foster mom who has had many many babies, I can tell ya I HATE Good Start!  I have never had a good experience with it.  If you are looking for a good formula with broken down proteins I would highly suggest Enfamil Gentlease

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