
Who feels a little pissed off about the 80gig PS3

by  |  earlier

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i bought the 60gig for £425 when they came out

but now you can buy the 80gig for £299 the only difference between the two consoles is the 20gig of memory what gives ? would my PS3 be worth more since its not being made anymore or is the fact that the 80gig is here just gunna smash the value to pennies ? I'm sure that a 60gig could not have dropped more than £125 in a year and a half




  1. i dont really care ur lucky theyre selling it @this price its worth way more than the price the retailers are offering it @  

  2. As production costs go down, so will prices.

    Take Business 101 pal.

  3. Um thats plenty of storage room

  4. Firstly, console prices ALWAYS come down over time. It happened with the Atari, the NES, the Master System, Mega Drive, SNES, Saturn, PS1... OK, you get the picture.

    (For example, I bought a Mega Drive when they first came out for £189. Within a year, the price was down to £129, and it was below £100 soon after that.)

    Secondly, the PS3 first came out in the UK in March 2007 - that's nearly 18 months ago, so you've already had a lot of enjoyment for your extra £125 or whatever. You could always have waited for the price to come down, but if you always follow that argument you'll never end up buying anything.

    As regards resale value, the newer 80GB (and existing 40GB) PS3s do not include PS2 backwards compatibility, whereas the 60GB model does - so that may mean that it will have a slightly higher second hand value.

  5. As richd stated your 60GB PS3 does have a higher resale value over ALL other PS3 models. Here in the US 60GB PS3 fetch a pretty high price on ebay, with bids begining at 600 usd and can go as high as 1000 usd.

    so i am quite happy with my 60GB (now a 320GB with a recent Hard Drive upgrade) PS3, so you should be also.

  6. Well no, the new 80 gig does not include backwards compatibility, and also does not include the extra 2 USB slots or all the extra storage places.

    I'm more pissed off that I could have gotten the MGS4 bundle instead of the crappy motorstorm bundle.

  7. haha lmao should have got a xbox360

  8. Well if i bought a ps3 for 400 now and they made another one that was better for 300 i would be pissed too. lol

  9. the new 80gig that your mad about well it CANT play the PS2 games your 60gig can play the PS2 games so dont worrie about it  

  10. don't really care. i never was really happy with PS technology.

  11. Nah man, be happy with your purchase. You bought the PS3 when Sony was spending more on each console than they were getting back from them. So really, you got the best possible with the money you spent. With the 80GB model Sony are back to gaining money, so it's not so good for the buyer.

  12. Console prices drop all the time. As the 60GB is no longer being made the value may not have dropped much or at all, it may even have gone up, but it's unlikely. All consoles eventually drop in value. It's just the price you have to pay for getting the console when it first came out

  13. actually you have a better ps3. you have more ports and stuff on your ps3 as well as backwards compatibility. the new 80 gb ps3 is basically a 40 gb ps3 with a bigger harddrive. it has no backwards compatibility.

    so to your original question, ya i'm pissed off because i will get my ps3 soon and when i get it i will be stuck with a ps3 with no BC. well you can't argue with a $400 price tag but losing some of those cool features is a let down.

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