
Who feels personally insulted when the abuses of their national leaders are exposed?

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If you are a German, do you fell personally insulted when the abuses of you forefathers are exposed? If you are a Scot are you personally ashamed that the KKK was supported by expatriatriate Clansmen? If you are an American from the usa ARE you personally insulted when the abuses of your nation against the Indians, your own people and other countries is exposed?

Why would anyone ever align themselves behind the abusers and thereby forsake their noble heritage as citizens of planet EARTH. What is it about this National thing? I did not even mention the English because their abuses are so massive they cannot be documented. But, Who are YOU? are you the blind slave of your Nation? Kosova, Serbia, Pakistan, India, England, Scotland, The USA, ? Cuba?




  1. All that can be said is the past is the past we need to learn from it and not repeat the same mistakes.

    Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past easily repeat them again.  

  2. What are you on about?

  3. communism failed.....get used to it  

  4. I don't feel insulted about these things at all.  Why should I?  Such unfortunate happenings are all part of a nation's history, and there's no way you can make them go away by ignoring them.  At the same time one hopes that we might have learned a few things from past mistakes; but if we go by the stuff that's been pushed on us by our present government, it looks like we haven't learned a thing.  I am not a slave of my nation; however, I do love my country and I certainly hope that with this upcoming election we can get back on track and stop wasting time and money on war.  That money could be used to fund health care for every man, woman and child in the US.

  5. I'm a slave.... to love!

  6. I work for myself but still enslaved to the fascist over-taxed even TAX you when you are dead regime~ England.

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