
Who feels sorry for *the* daughter-in law?

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to have a mother in law from *h**l* must be sooooo depressing.

I couldn't stand it at all.

And *Anti-bulliying* ,is a contradiction in itself.

What does she think she is doing to her *family*





  1. I can feel your pain.  My poor mother had to deal with my grandmother.  She was a pure pain.  Honestly we were all very happy (and my father relieved) when she finally died.  It is sad to say that, but she was a bully to everyone she met for most of her 95 years.

    My MIL is not too bad, but she is bit of a bully.  She is rather insensitive and sometimes too domineering.

  2. LMFAO, poor Joan! pmsl

  3. sometimes I feel like *the* daughter-in-law at the hands of my husband's mom. now, his dad is fine, I would fully trust him with all my kids, and with me. He's kind of like my father, since mine was incompetent for much of my life. But his mother, *shudders* oh my his mother is horrible to me. She's the type of woman who can say that the sky is orange (when it is indeed blue) and if you argue against her, she'd still win, purely because you've given up trying. whenever my kids go with my husbands parents, I come to find she lets them break just about every rule I set. I am at my wits end with her. You would think that since I've been dating her son since the both of us were 16 (well 14, but she need not know about the extra years), that it would be in her head right now that I"M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!

  4. I have a nightmare family-in-law!  I will never ever be good enough but in order to keep the peace I have to swallow the insults and pretend that I didn't hear them.  and my husband wonders why I refuse point blank to spend Christmas with them ...!!

  5. Oh i said the same thing about bullying as well, and she was having a go at her for buying Asda school uniforms how petty and i think her son needs to get some balls and stand up to his mum and tell her to quit interfering in their lives !

  6. I just really really hope the DIL never comes on here and reads all the spite and anger that's directed at her. To put up with it in real life must be h**l but then to have your every decision questioned and plastered all over the net for everyone to see is just downright nasty.

    Mother in laws from h**l should be made illegal

  7. Hi Busy Bee

    I can feel sympathy for the DIL, she seems to come under constant attack from her husbands mother

    The husband is in a terrible position - having to choose between his mother and his wife!

  8. I am so lucky. My ex husbands mum was like my second mum and although I am now married to someone else we remain very close and she has met (and approved of) my new husband. I wish everyone had a mother in law like her!

  9. It always take two.  You can only account for and modify your behavior, if this means taking steps to protect yourself from the abuse, so be it.  You can do so kindly but firmly.

  10. I have one too! I wrote something negative about my job in an e-mail to her once...she sent it to my boss! WTF?! Mine also sent letters to every single person in my family because I didn't wear the FAKE watch she bought me. She made herself look like the butt in the long run. Sometimes you just need to sit back and chill and let her make the fool of herself.

    Think of it this're gonna make the grandchild, so she needs you more than you need her. She'll have to calm down.

  11. I know who you mean, she has got it in for her DIL big time! Thankfully mine isn't too bad, in fact she is more the other way, she sometimes forgets that she has a grandson. I agree with the bullying comment too!

  12. I don't know "the" daughter in law .... on these types of site you only get one side of the story .... so I cannot comment

    I like my mother in law even if she does do my sisters in law's ironing and not mine because she has children and I don't ....

    It seems to me that the world comes to you when you have children and those without children are discriminated against ....

  13. If U really love ur husband, I think it would do U good 2 just ignore her cos, whatever happens, she is still the mother to oyur darling husband and making hing choose between the two of you can be a real emotional cracker

  14. I don't have a mother in law from h**l, I have a father in law and sister in law from h**l. I love my mother in law, but the other two...ugh. Can't stand them.

  15. got no in laws this time s both are gone same as my dad .... but yes bin there i was never good enough for my xs mum her perfect boy .... well he was a junky and they did find out after 14 years of me putting up with it... lol she even had the check to blame me for that one to .............because i did nothing to stop him ... makes you wonder wot the fxxx she thought i tyred and then gave up ... funny thing was his   family only put up with him for a few weeks before they gave up ?

  16. Answering a question with a question ,why isn't your husband standing up for you

  17. I dated a guy a few weeks ago whos wife committed suicide due to the mother in laws bullying, she left behind two small children.  We come from an Asain culture where the wife cant really stand up for herself- but I would lol!

    p.s. I dumped him, its not worth the hassle or stress!

  18. did i miss something?

    what are you talking about?

    bullying who?

  19. I do honestly think she should ring the social services, I mean what kind of mother takes there kids abroad, buys them uniforms & sends them to school, I mean its d**n right nasty.

  20. i don't have any father or mother in law but i know if one day i get one i won't let them to F*** with me coz so far no one ever could do that ...i know how to treat ppl to stay away and not to put their nose into my business

  21. Kayleigh - you forgot about the depriving them of a meteor shower!

  22. I am so glad she's not my mother in law, mine is the best,she's more of a mother to me than my mother is. In fact I get along all my in-laws apart from my sister-in-law.

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