
Who felt the earthquake?? how strong was it where you are at?

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Who felt the earthquake?? how strong was it where you are at?




  1. the earthquake was 5.8 and the epicenter was at chino hills

    i in the smack middle of downtown walking to the library when i almost fell! lol it felt pretty hard but id say a 5.5 or 5.6 at downtown.

  2. ~~The earthquake has been downgraded now to an official 5.4 and the epicenter was in Chino Hills-that is about 10 miles from me. It shook and rolled pretty good for about 10-15 seconds. Scared my poor doggies so bad! Other than that, I watched my pictures and lights swing, but had no damage at all. It was a realtively mild quake.~~

  3. oh my goodness lol i have 2 times, i was in was morning time probably like 8:15 a Sunday....and i was in bed, but i was awake just looking out the window....and the shelf right in front of my bed started shaking i was like..what's going on...and i heard my sister screaming in the other room "earthquake!!!!" i ran out the house i fell scraped my knee lol it was funny it wasn't even a big one. BUT IT CAN BE REALLY SCARY

  4. I'm not sure from Glendale I think it was a 5.6 but it lasted for like 10-15 seconds.

  5. I was in the house when every thing started shaking (not violently even though I live a few blocks away from downtown)

    and my little sister started screaming and little brother started breathing hard. Their first earthquake. Other than that no major damage and nothing got thrown around.

  6. where was it?

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